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 \ Jack Wakes Up - A free audiobook by Seth Harwood

Jack Wakes Up - A free audiobook by Seth Harwood

In this podiobook: (Jack Palms book 1)What does a movie-star one-hit-wonder and ex-drug-addict do when he's cleaned up, down on his luck, and running out of money?In the three years since Jack Palms went clean - no drugs, no drinking, no life - he's added fourteen pounds of muscle, read 83 books, and played it as straight as anyone can ask him. Now, when an old friend from L.A. calls, he signs on to help a set of Eastern Europeans score enough coke to settle down and set up shop. All Jack has to do is keep them entertained and get them through their purchase.But when the plan runs into a few problems, and Jack starts getting phone calls from an old friend on the police force, he realizes that this business will take a lot more acting than he first assumed.
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