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Drive It - Convert It, is the Internet marketing podcast about driving more traffic to your site and converting that traffic once it's there. Drivers include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (which adds online advertising, vertical search, directories and pay per click - PPC to the mix), podcasting, blogs and blogging, ezines and newsletters, and more. Converters include Landing Page design, website design and analysis, content creation and copywriting, conversion tracking and more. Each episode will focus on a different aspect of increasing traffic to your web site or turning that traffic into leads, prospects, and sales. Tactics and strategies appeal to both the small and medium sized business (SMB).
Drive It - Convert It | Web and Internet Marketing
On Location - A podcast that will take the listener on the adventure that is the mind of a photographer. With your host Martin Joergensen. Brought to you by Nikonians - The Worldwide Home for Nikon Photographers.
Nikonians Podcasts :: On Location with Martin Joergensen
This is the Real School of Rock! The Original Rock and Roll Podcast.Interviews, music and more from a Rock and Roll Geek.All done with a Metal Sludge,Blabbermouth sense of humor For fans of Aerosmith,Cheap Trick,Wildhearts,Metallica,AC/DC,American Heartbreak,Alice Cooper,New York Dolls,Sex Pistols,Motley Crue,Starz,Runaways,Punk,Joan Jett,Suzi Quatro,Nazareth,Hanoi Rocks,D Generation,Dictators,Ramones,Kiss,Guns n\' Roses,Glam,Metal,etc.
The Rock and Roll Geek Show
Geeknights with Rym and Scott is a late night show for geeks, featuring anime, comics, gaming, sci/tech, gadgetry, and general geekery. New episodes every weeknight Monday through Thursday.
GeekNights with Rym + Scott
The all new Audio drama Based on the Television Series Created by Glen A. Larson.
Brokensea - Battlestar Galactica
The podcast about VoIP security: news, opinions and commentary about the latest threats and tools in the world of Voice over IP (VoIP) and IP telephony security. Created by two security professionals involved with the Voice Over IP Security Alliance (VOIPSA), the show also frequently includes interviews with people involved in the field and tutorials on VoIP security topics.
Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast
As a husband, father, and educator, Jeff Young is passionate about faith, family, community, education... and food! It is for this reason that he founded The Catholic Foodie, which produces fun and entertaining media that foster growth in faith and community. The goal? To strengthen families and to encourage a stronger sense of community through social media.
The Catholic Foodie
The Development of Non-Lethal Weapons - August 2012
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In this podcast, we look at how the Defense Department is developing non-lethal weapons, how security firms are working to stop piracy and the murky outlook for the Department of Homeland Security’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
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National Defense Magazine's Podcast
In this podcast, you will learn about how the Army plans to equip its Humvee trucks with "cockpit” style technology so soldiers can tap into their tactical networks, maps and other critical intelligence, all from inside their vehicle. Previous attempts to do this were unsuccessful because the hardware was too heavy. We also bring you an update on the Army's efforts to save fuel by deploying electric vehicles on military posts. These vehicles will be small -- comparable to golf carts but quite a bit more sophisticated -- and be used for driving on-base only, not for combat. But because the Army has so many large bases, it estimates that by replacing conventional SUVs with these electric vehicles, it could save millions of dollars over time. Later in the podcast, there"s a story about the Defense Department’s plans to increase research and development of nonlethal weapons. Lastly, you will hear about how space technologies are being channeled to efforts to study global warming.
Cockpits In Combat Vehicles - February 2009 National Defense
In this podcast, we focus on the Army’s effort to improve body armor for foot soldiers, how the budget crunch is affecting the tactical wheeled vehicles market and a new idea that can help wounded warriors heal more quickly.
Army Looks Ahead to the Next Generation of Body Armor - February 2011
In this podcast, we focus on the military’s effort to go green by replacing its fuels with alternative energy, Marine Corps plans to lighten its equipment and some details about the Stuxnet worm that has reportedly infected Iranian computers.
Military’s Effort to Go Green - January 2011
In this podcast, we focus on new simulation technologies for the defense and homeland security markets.
New Simulation Technologies for Defense - December 2010
Has the past ten years of war and the effort to get the latest and greatest technologies into the hands of war fighters resulted in basic research being ignored? Is America losing the innovation war when it comes to producing cutting edge weapons?
Current state of Defense Department research and development - November 2010
In this podcast, we look at the Army’s efforts to connect foot soldiers to communication networks, uncertainties facing the future use of unmanned aerial vehicles and the Marine Corps’ plans to deploy solar energy at forward operating bases.
Bringing Infantrymen into the Information Age - October 2010
In this podcast, we look at the tough duty sailors will face while serving on the new Littoral Combat Ship, the controversy over the hovering version of the Joint Strike Fighter, and a Department of Homeland Security lab where technicians try to outsmart each other in an effort to prevent bombs from making it onto airplanes.
Grueling Workload for Sailors on the Littoral Combat Ship - September 2010
In this podcast, we look at U.S. Special Operations Command and its unique technology wish list, the Navy’s efforts to deploy a high-energy laser that can destroy targets at sea, and three new experimental aircraft, all capable of reaching hypersonic speeds.
U.S. Special Operations Command's Technology Wish List - August 2010
In this podcast, we look at the Navy’s efforts to maintain its fleet of attack submarines, a plan to deploy unmanned cargo helicopters in Afghanistan, and a movement to eliminate the thousands of pieces of junk that orbit Earth and threaten military and commercial satellites.
Shipyards Speed Up Submarine Production - July 2010
In this podcast, we look at Marine Corps budget challenges, a concept to recycle plastics into fuel and, the military’s failure to field new kinds of ground robots.
Marine Corps Budget Challenges - June 2010
In this podcast, we look at the Air Force’s plans to give all of its recruits an avatar that will follow their careers in a virtual world, a profile of a Russian cyberthief, and the Army’s attempt to match the success of iPhones.
Airmen to Live Out Their Careers in Cyberspace - May 2010
In this podcast, we look at the the unseen costs of military fuel, the Army’s push to field its own unmanned air force and the Defense Department’s fight against crude, but deadly, roadside bombs in Afghanistan.
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The Unseen Costs of Military Fuel - April 2010
In this podcast, we look at the competition to field the Navy’s new littoral combat ship, trends in unmanned aerial vehicles and an idea to use cockroaches to detect nuclear material.
The Navy's New Combat Ship - March 2010
In this podcast, we look at Army and Marine Corps requirements for their truck fleets, an ongoing turf war between the Air Force and Army over control of unmanned aerial vehicles and a promising device that may one day help treat victims of head trauma on the battlefield.
Modernizing Truck Fleets - February, 2010
For the U.S. military and its supporting industrial base, it was a decade of sweeping, profound and, often, excruciating change. The shocking terrorist attacks of nine-eleven will always be remembered as the day that changed everything. But other events make the past ten years a landmark period in the business of defense.
Decade Wrap-Up - January 2010 National Defense Magazine
In this podcast we take you behind the scenes of an undeclared war in cyberspace. It's no longer about teenage hackers stealing passwords. It is a full-fledged war. And how to fight cyber-conflicts will soon be part of mainstream military doctrine. We also bring you the latest efforts by the US Army to cope with roadside bomb attacks. They are now using video game technology to simulate IED events, so soldiers can learn how to spot bombs before they go on deployments.
CyberWar - December 2009 National Defense Magazine
In this podcast, we bring you the latest news about some of the tough technological challenges the military needs help solving.
Technological Weak Spots - November 2009 National Defense Magazine
Efforts by the Army to lower the weight of body armor and the loads that soldiers must carry in combat are the topics of this podcast. We also reports on the latest changes that the Army has made to the way body armor is tested before it's shipped to soldiers in the field.
Body Armor - October 2009 National Defense Magazine
For every threat to the homeland, there's a business that has a technology waiting in the wings to counter a would-be terrorist"s moves. This podcast gives you the a few up and coming technologies targeted toward the homeland security market.
Counterterrorism - September 2009
This podcast gives you the latest news of how the U.S. military is taking advantage of the Obama administration's stimulus legislation passed by Congress earlier this year to fund alternative-energy projects.
Fuel Cells August 2009 National Defense Magazine
In this podcast, we bring you the latest news about unmanned aircraft. The market is booming, a global UAV arms race is under way, and the U.S. Air Force continues to expand its UAV presence in the battlefield.
UAVs - July 2009 National Defense Magazine
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National Defense Magazine's Podcast
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