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TAO G. Vrhovec Sambolec, (text by: Luka Zagoričnik)
A composer of contemporary music, clarinettist and electronica musician, sound artist and maker of multimedia environments Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec creates in all of the mentioned areas, while retaining his individuality and recognisability in each of the fields. This does not only unveil his acute sonic sensibility and a careful consideration of its traits but also an ear for a sound environment through which meanings are disclosed on different levels – social, artistic, architectural, and political. These elements are intertwined in a clear and distilled but never rigid concept. Tao first graduated at the Trondeheim Conservatory of Music in Norway as an instrumentalist, clarinettist, and then continued his studies at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, the Netherlands, where he received another BA from music composition and an MA from ArtScience programme at the Interfaculty Image and Sound. As a composer, he has produced a series of works for smaller chamber, percussion, and other ensembles, which were performed at home and abroad. In his early period, he collaborated a lot with Marko Peljhan; later his works were performed in renowned international contemporary music festivals, such as Contemporanea in Italy, Gaudeamus Music Week, the Netherlands, and Forum Nueur Music in Germany. Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec is active also in the field of free improvised music. In 2003, Vrhovec and the contrabassist Tomaž Grom established the duo Tilt, although a project with this name had been detected already in 1999 with the album ‘The Double’ in collaboration with the poet Primož Čučnik. Even prior to this, the project was called Muskafiber and featured the composer and accordionist Drago Ivanuša. The music of this period relied heavily on structural elements through the form of poem, poetry, singing, and speech, and often drifted into spontaneous, improvised soundscapes. Today, Tilt touches upon contemporary sonority in a digital milieu, drawing its expressivity from a liminal space between acoustic and electronically processed sounds. This space in-between is also the locus of spontaneous communication. But even though it is grounded in free improvisation, the improvising nevertheless suggests a composing sensibility that addresses through a wide spectrum of sounds, timbres, and real-time digitally processed sounds. Tilt released an album under the Slovene L’innomable label and received many good reviews in the national and international press, among other also in the British music monthly The Wire. The duo was successfully performing in different European capitals, as well as collaborated with numerous internationally acclaimed musicians. In the field of mixed media art practices, Tao gained further recognition with, for example, a series of installations, space interventions titled ‘Virtual Hole’ and ‘Virtual Mirror’. Recently, he is enjoying a growing international reputation also in the field of sound art, especially through his collaborations with the American musician and theoretician Brandon LaBell, author of ‘Background Noise – Perspectives on Sound Art’, one of the more influential discussions of sound art. Their last collaboration was the book and a CD ‘Manual for the Construction of a Sound as a Device to Elaborate Social Connection’ for the project ‘Virtual Mirror – Sound’. In this context, Tao this year received a ‘Hybrid Arts Honourable Mention’ at Ars Electronica in Linz for the work ‘Virtual Mirror – Rain’. A fusion of music, improvisation, and his interactive installation research can be seen in his work ‘Inside Out’, which he co-created with the acclaimed Austrian composer and trombonist Radu Malfatti. Tao has presented his works in Mexico, the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Turkey, and elsewhere. Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec is not only one of the most visible contemporary Slovene artists but – with his cycle of lectures, sound events, and concerts Bitshift t
TAO G. Vrhovec Sambolec - 7 skladateljev ZVO.ČI.TI ( 2010
Mothcast is a sailing podcast that discusses the latest happenings in the moth sailing world. Hosted by Bruce McLeod and Luka Damic, the show includes interviews with mothies from Australia and overseas.
son:DA belogs to that area of art characterised by linking of various technologies and media, as well as a new approach to the group work. son:DA is active in the fields of space installations, computer drawings, audio-video performances and different gallery project. Since 2000 son:DA has shown their work internationaly.
Their solo exhibition were in Razstavnem salonu Rotovž Maribor, Kibla Maribor, Galeriji Meduza Koper, Likovnem salonu Celje, Galerij Kapelica Ljubljana, ARCO Madrid, Turner contemporary Margate, Kunstverein-Porschehof Salzburg, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Vienna and Salzburg, C-O Care of Milano, LaVitrine Maribor, AP4-Art Lugano, Mali galerija MOMA Ljubljana, Miklova hiša, Galerija Škuc, New Moment Gallery Belgrade and Bitforms gallery New York.
Among other places, they were part of group exhibitions in Essl Collection Vienna, Renaissance society Chicago, Tate Modern London, Museum of contemporary art St.Louis, The Kitchen gallery New York, Stedelijk museum Amsterdam, Museum of contemporary art Solun, Museum of contemporary art Novi Sad, ARCOS Benevento, Center for Visual Introspection Bucharest, Kunstraum Bethanien Berlin, The Cultural Centre of Liège, Press to exit Skopje, MACRO Rome, Institute for contemporary art Sofia, Sonambiente Berlin, Kunstlerhaus Vienna and Graz, Center for contemporary art Velan Torino, UGM Maribor, P74 Ljubljana, MOMA Ljubljana, MGLC Ljubljana and on animation film festivals in Izola, Zagrebu, Florence, Utrechtu and Hiroshima.
In 2009 son:DA became a foundation for theory and practice of audio-visual art. Their archive can be found on
o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (
ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances.
The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art.
The project ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE).
Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
SONDA - "dubrovnik.008"
Luka Prinčič aka Nova Viator aka Nova deViator works in the field of sound and programming as a performer and composer. He is an artist, web-developer, dj, writer, critic, reverse engineer, part-time hacker and open source agent. Released numerous web-albums, worked at Ljubljana Digital Media Lab on various online, streaming and sound projects. Co-curated first Slovene digital moving image festival Scan Line.
o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (
ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances.
The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art.
The project ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE).
Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Nova deViator: "fragments on radio art / tetsuo kogawa / xl experiment"
Borut Savski in Milan Kristl
O analogični kompoziciji:
Analogična kompozicija je osnova dramaturskega pristopa dveh avtorjev, ki je sicer improvizacija, vendar s predvidenim in predsestavljenim instrumentarijem. Razteza se med strukturo in de-strukturo - torej časovno: med trenutkom in konstruiranim (sestavljenim, zaporednim) časom. Če je sočasje (sinhronost) sodelovanja dveh avtorjev ena od osnov - torej: vzporejanje - je druga v razporejanju (v zaporedja) - v podrobnem je to ritmiziranje - v širšem pa je to glasbena kompozicija. Instrumentarij je na eni strani sestavljen iz različnih senzorskih sistemov - video, infrardečih, zvočnih in dotičnih (taktilnih) - povezanih na računalnik. Ti sistemi so različno odzivni - nekateri neposredno, drugi algoritmično. Na drugi strani je človesko telo in njegovi neposredni zvočni vmesniki, kot so piščali, brenkala in glasovi. Poudarek v obeh primerih pa je vendarle v iskanju sledi organskosti (telesnosti; ki je vedno predvsem struktura) logičnega (računalniškega, kulturnega) in analognega sistema (ki je avtonomija teles in njihovih odločitev)- torej analogne logike.
O principu analogičnosti:
Skovanka “analogično” je skrajsana besedna zveza ‘analogna logika’, ki je zanimiva zato, ker dejansko pomeni analogična logika, torej: nelogična logika. Torej nekaj takega kot ‘neumni um’. Semantično pa kaže na to, da je nelogično izpeljava iz logičnega - torej je primarnejši izraz: logično. Beseda, ki je zelo blizu ‘analogičnemu’ je ‘analogno’, vendar je v praksi (v kulturi...) povsem drugačnega (celo nasprotnega) pomena. Analogno opisuje, da je pri prevajanju iz ene vrednosti v neko drugo prišlo do proporcionalne (podobne - analogne) spremembe. Mi dodajamo, da je bila sprememba pri pretvorbi v drugo veličino skoraj linearna (v nasprotju z večpomenskostjo nelinearnih sistemov). V splošnejšem človeškem jeziku pa: da je pomen (skoraj) isti.
V matematiki je bila pred desetletji zanimiva beseda ‘fuzzy logic’ ali slovensko: ‘mehka logika’.
Primernejši izraz bi sicer bil ‘nejasna logika’. Ne le dve izključujoči se stanji - ampak neskončno stanj. Še en uporabljan izraz za omenjeni princip je ‘analogna logika’ - od tu torej skovanka principa analogičnega kot nelogične logike.
Analogični princip sicer izhaja iz gradnje (elektronskih) strojev, pri katerih moment odločitve ni enoznačen, ampak je zaradi zajemanja podatkov dveh senzorjev, uporabe analognih elektronskih komparatorjev in posebne konfiguracije pomičnih registrov precej samosvoj. Pri tem mislimo na samosvojost v razmeroma kratkem časovnem intervalu, ki ga dojemamo kot ritem, vendarle pa ga lahko označimo kot rudimentarni spomin - no, pomnilnik.
o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (
ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances.
The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art.
The project ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE).
Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
BORUT SAVSKI and MILAN KRISTL - "Analogična kompozicija" (Analogic Composition)
Bojana Šaljić Podešva
She closed studies composition at the AG in Ljubljana and studying electroacoustic composition in Vienna. The basic means of her expression is composing electroacoustic music - which covers both fixed two - or multi - channel compositions as well as "real-time" processing instrumental works - vocal sounds or sound installations. For her work she received many awards from slovenian and international competitions - both for concert works - (such as Gustav Mahler Kompositions Preis 32, international competition of Electroacoustic music Bourgesu in france, as well as music for film and theater (eg . Vesna - music from the film Children of Petrick).
photo: Matjaž Pihler
Bojana Šaljić Podešva je zaključila študij kompozicije na AG v Ljubljani in študij elektroakustične kompozicije na Dunaju. Temeljno izrazno sredstvo skladateljice je elektroakustična glasba, s čimer zajema tako fiksno izdelane dvo- ali večkanalne kompozicije kot tudi »real-time« obdelavo instrumentalno – vokalnega zvoka ali zvočne inštalacije. Za svoje delo je bila večkrat nagrajena na slovenskih in mednarodnih komponističnih natečajih; tako za koncertna dela (npr. Gustav Mahler Kompositions Preis, 32. Mednarodno tekm. elektroakustične glasbe v Bourgesu (FRA)), kot tudi za glasbo za film in gledališče (npr. Vesna za glasbo iz filma Otroci s Petrička).
foto: Matjaz Pihler
o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (
ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances.
The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art.
The project ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE).
Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
MARKO BATISTA is Ljubljana based mixed-media artist born in 1976 in Tito's Yugoslavia. At the end of the year 1997 he is accepted to ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS in Ljubljana under the guidance of professor BOJAN GORENEC. The result of collaboration with professor Borut Vogelnik, Bojan Gorenec, Joze Barsi, Sreco Dragan and artists Vasja Lebaric, Andrej Kamnik was a participation at the LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 50th International Art Exhibition: VV2 in June 2003. Texts, discussions and photo documentation was published in a book entitled PHOTOFINISH (Batista M., Kamnik A., Lebaric V.; 2004) in collaboration with Tomaz Kucer. In 1998 together with Miha Horvat (son:DA) founded multimedia group KLON:ART:RESISTANCE. Exploring moving images and digital sound environments they presented several projects at festivals, galleries and different urban places.In December 2000 FORUM STADTPARK (Gratz - Austria) and YOUTH CULTURAL CENTER (Maribor - Slovenia) invited Klon:Art:Resistance members in Gratz as a part of the introducing young conceptual artists of slovenian contemporary video art;
sko (at) siol (dot) net
o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (
ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances.
The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art.
The project ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE).
Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
TAO G. VRHOVEC SAMBOLEC is a sound artist and musician based in Amsterdam and Ljubljana. His works encompass audiovisual and mixed media installations, sound interventions in public spaces, composed and improvised (electro)acoustic music, sound design for video, and music for silent film.
Born in 1972 (Ljubljana – Slovenia), he received BA - main subject clarinet - at Trondheim Music Conservatory (Norway), BA in music composition and MA at Interfaculty Image and Sound – ArtScience, both at The Royal Conservatory in The Hague - The Netherlands, where he also followed Sonology course.
His works were shown and performed in various art galleries, museums and music festivals across Europe. Among others: Public Space With a Roof Gallery - Amsterdam, State Museum of Contemporary Art - Thessaloniki - Greece, Ars Electronica - Festival for Art Technology and Society - Linz - Austria, De Appel - Amsterdam, Madrid Abierto - Madrid, Museum of Modern Art - Ljubljana, Kapelica Gallery -Ljubljana, SKUC Gallery - Ljubljana, Musica a Metronom - Barcelona, Gaudeamus Music Week – Amsterdam, Forum neuer Musik - Köln, EuroJazz Festival - Tomar – Portugal, festival of contemporary music Contemporanea 2004 – Udine, AV Festival - Newcastle Upon Tyne, CMMAS - Morelia, Mexico ...
He was commissioned pieces by Barton Workshop Ensemble (Amsterdam), Percussion Group The Hague and Slovenian Cinematheque.
In 1996 he formed together with Tomaz Grom electroacoustic improv duo TILT, with which he performs live.
As improviser he has performed with Will Guthrie, Alzheimer Trio, Riccardo Massari Spiritini, The Same Girl (Gilles Aubry, Nicolas Field), Sabine Vogel, Dirk Bruinsma, ...
So far he has released two CDs with duo Tilt.
He is founder of international cycle of sound events, lectures and workshops Bitshift in Kapelica Gallery - Ljubljana, which started in 2001.
In 2008 he got awarded Startstipendium from The Netherlands Fundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture - Fonds BKVB.
o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (
ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances.
The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art.
The project ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE).
Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
she is a dancer and singer, mostly performing in dance-theater performers and she has choreographed four performances of my own. She has worked with many choreographers and theater directors in Slovenia and also abroad (all mentioned in biography) with whose She has received many rich experiences. She gain my dance education in Intakt studio of Ljubljana, Dance theater Ljubljana, in education programs of En knap group in Laboratory and Agon and in Emanat (Maja Delak) and in many workshops (Ann Populis, Wendy Huston, Iztok Kovač, Joseph Nadj...) also abroad.
In 2004 she got the scholarship for DanceWeb (Gavin Webber, Barbara Mayr, Judith Grodowitz, Gustavo Miranda, Risa Steinberg, Antony Rizzi, Ori Flomin, Agelique Willkie, Mark Tompkins, Nuno Rebelo, Franz Poelstra, Robert Stein, Ko Murobushi) in Vienna.
In 2007 she was in Wroclaw in Grotowsky institute and she had a chance to work for one month with many great artists as Pioter Borowsky, Maisternia Pisni, Theater Zar, Zigmund Molik, Jaroslaw Fret…All the time she is visiting different kind of workshops for movement and dance and in last five years she has been working intensely also on voice trough the work sessions with Diego Ross, Brina Vogelnik Saje, Lejla Radovan, Agelique Willkie, Charmain le Blanc, Nhandan Chirco, Anne Marie Blink, Gey Pin Ang, Maud Robard, Maisternia Pisni, Zar thetre, Zygmud Molik, Jonathan Hart Makwaia…
she has made four projects of her own up till now: Hitchcock’s metamorphosis, Caprice, Caprice (re)lapsed and “like a drop of rain into the mouth of silence” and many more in the collaboration with other dancers, actors and directors (Dragan Živadinov, Mala Kline, Maja Delak, Emil Hrvatin, Sebastian Horvat…)
she is working on voice in solo project named “iT” – for voice and three dictaphones, with which she was touring also abroad ( ). she is also a member in a band of Aldo Ivančič (Borghesia) Bast Kolektiv ( ) - we made album retinal Circus together.
she is a teacher of dance in High school of dance in Ljubljana, teaching dance techniques
o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (
ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances.
The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art.
The project ZVO.ČI.TI. ( is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE).
Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Octex, Jernej Marušič, (text by: Luka Zagoričnik)
Hidden behind the name Octex is the Ljubljana-based artist Jernej Marušič, who started appearing under this name, a shorter version of Organic Crackle and Tone EXperiments, in the late nineties of the previous century – as a follower of contemporary currents in electronic music and a lover of analogue sound synthesisers. His first released composition ‘Nigljana’ was included in a varied compilation of Slovene electronic music Elektrotehnika Slavenika from the year 2000, which was issued with wide acclaim as a supplement to the British music monthly The Wire. His LP debut ‘Idea Lashna’, by and large one of the most groundbreaking and creative achievements in the Slovene electronic scene, was released in 2002 under Tehnika Records label, having wide reverberations also abroad. The critics recognised it as a top-notch product following the stripped-down aesthetic characteristic of musicians signed under the German label Basic Channel, while the album offered a finely tailored mix of techno, ambient music, and dub as an echo and a reaction to contemporary, nervous sound landscape of urban circles. The album earned Marušič the then influential Slovene music award ‘Bumerang’, awarded by Studio City programme of the Slovene National Television, while in France it was voted one of the ten finalists for the electronic music award presented by Radio France International. That said, Marušič’s music making does not stick to proven recipes and a solidified sound aesthetic. In an on-going, restless search for a new sound, Octex absorbs various trends that schizophrenically spring from the field of electronic musics, incorporating them again and again in its own music in a distinctly unique and recognisable manner. Already with his next album ‘Variations’, released by RX:TX in 2005, Marušič found himself in an altogether new world, which drew on a tense and intense techno connection between Berlin and Detroit, traversed by dub, soft sound textures, and complex, seemingly unstructured rhythms, with which he stepped out of the prescribed matrix 4/4 and which have today become a trademark for Marušič’s work. Around that time, Marušič also started to regularly appear live; he did remixes for well known artists, like Laibach and Ultra-Red, while reverberations of his work also took him across our borders. He performed, for example, in a London-based series Sprawl, in Club Transmediale in Berlin, in Dispatch in Belgrade, and at Exit Festival in Novi Sad. With the album in question, Octex also signed to the home RX:TX label, in the frame of which he performed alongside artists under labels such as Raster-Noton, contributed tracks to two international compilations ‘Progress’ and ‘Progress EX 0.4’, both released by the mentioned label, and was featured on a highly appreciated Slovene compilation ‘Trans Slovenia Express Vol.2’, dedicated to the cult band Kraftwerk and released by the British Mute Records. Earlier this year, RX:TX released Octex’s long-awaited new album titled ‘Every Sound Tells a Story’, which is this time lined more explicitly with an analogue sound of modular sound synthesisers, sifted through digital technology. Individual tracks from the album were inspired by fieldwork recordings, which are in a processed form blended into each track. Dino Lalić, a music critic for Radio Student, wrote the following about the album. ‘Its sound readily admits techno, dub, and ambient influences, with none of them standing out in particular. The fact that these influences remain merged offers a myriad of interpretations. Nobody is right and whoever says he is – is inevitably wrong’. These words fitly capture the essence of the restless, yet sound-wise well-tailored creativity of Jernej Marušič, which he lately also incorporates into improvisation, both in his solo performances and in his work in the trio Ago Tela, which includes, besides Marušič, also DJ Dojajo and Mario Marolt, while at the same t
Octex (Jernej Marušič) - ZVO.ČI.TI ( 2010
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