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The Wall Street Shuffle

The Wall Street Shuffle

The Wall Street Shuffle is much more than just another talk show... fast-paced, topical, irreverent and smart analysis of the news and action of the day. Sure we discuss equities, investment and strategies. And, yes, we have only the absolute best national guests every day to bring perspective to complex issues.

But where we really shine is our unique ability to understand the complex financial and political worlds around us. As we all know, money is politics and politics is money. In today’s world of lightning fast political and regulatory changes, even the best investment strategy can come unraveled quickly unless you understand what other forces are moving your markets.

We take the time to get it right every day. Crisp and fresh analysis of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, our profligate Congress, the whims of the Executive branch, the latest from our Intel communities, cons and scams that could wreck your investments are all daily fare for our crack WSS Team.
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