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The Empress Sword - A free audiobook by Paulette Jaxton

The Empress Sword - A free audiobook by Paulette Jaxton

In this podiobook: A prince, a dragon & a magic sword - all the elements of a classic adventure story.Unfortunately for Prince Aster the dragon in question may not be the evil beast he thinks it is, and the magic sword might not even let the adventurous young prince touch it. When Aster discovers the price he must pay to save his kingdom, he'll have to make a choice no self-respecting adventure book hero would even consider.For most of his life, Aster has known he would one day face the fearsome dragon known as Mandrake. For the past ten years this beast has burned crops, destroyed villages, killed countless worthy knights and generally made life in the Kingdom of Caledon a royal pain. Now the young prince has learned of a magic sword powerful enough to defeat the dragon.The history books say it can be found in the ruins of a once great empire hidden somewhere beyond the Misty Mountain. If Aster can find the lost Empire, if he can brave the perilous journey through the mountains alone, if he can convince the ghost of the long dead Empress that he is worthy, then the only thing standing between him and the Empress Sword might just be a skirt.
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