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Eddie Saenz | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Eddie Saenz | Blog Talk Radio Feed

After 10 years on network marketing, I got the secret to success. As a matter of fact, I knew the secret, just didn’t understand it. The Secret to success is not a secret at all. To achieve massive success in any aspect of life you must help others achieve success. Giving and not keeping score will put you on the top of any network marketing company. Eddie Saenz was introduced to network marking at the young age of 18 years old. Being a baby in this powerful industry, he was very open and coachable. He learn about and implemented home parties, prospecting warm market, 3 foot rule, hotel meeting and so on. Although he achieved success using these proven marketing methods, he was looking to learn hi-tech marketing. In December 08, Eddie Saenz Jr. was on a team training conference call for a network marketing company. The topic of the call was internet marketing. Although the call was very informative, most of the information was way more advanced. The call was about HTML, Meta tags, and other SEO methods. Eddie was dazed and confused on the lingo. So after the team call was over he called the host of the call for further training. When he called her, he got her voice mail. He left a message stating he would like more basic information about how to get started and what he should do 1st to get a start in the right direction. When the upline leader called back, Eddie was on the other line and did not click over in time to grab the call. So she left a message for him. The message was close to 4 minutes long. In short she told him that the internet was very saturated with marketers and that for someone to get started brand new in internet marketing, they would never make it. She then recommended he not even start internet marketing because he will never succeed at it. She went on to say, most of the team is already internet marketing and would hate to teach competition. WOW. After listening to her message Eddie Saenz was shocked and amazed on her message.
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