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Help's Secret History and Meaning of Life Podcast (Philosophy, mathematics, computer science, logic, mysticism and metaphysics!)'s Secret History and Meaning of Life Podcast (Philosophy, mathematics, computer science, logic, mysticism and metaphysics!)

Welcome to the Gary Geck Podcast. Here you will have audio versions of my work in progress on Gottfried Leibniz's Monadology as i complete the chapters. Here you will also find the audio versions of videos i have on YouTube. Visit for more info!

Mt Secret History series covers the meaning of life and features special attention on the works of Georg Cantor, Kurt Friedrich Gödel, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, German Romanicism and Idealism, Nicolas of Cusa, the Hermeticists and Hermetic Texts, Pythagoreans, Plato, Aristotle, Bertrand Russell and more!
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