The Nightly News at Nine with Phil and Sherry is a stop-motion animated web series produced by David M Pickett. It details the zany adventures of a TV News team who live in a fantastical world made of plastic bricks. There are new videos produced about once a month.
Phil Brickley and Sherry Tiles are the program\'s anchors. They have been partners for a long time and their banter reflects their deep familiarity with each other. Robert Vylan joins NNN as its new sportscaster in the first episode, but he is really Malifios, a villain intent on destroying New Block Bity. Report-O-Bot-Ophelia is NNN\'s in the field reporter, and while her investigative methods are a bit unorthodox, she is very thorough. Leggsly Von Sharkerton is added to the NNN team after he devours the previous man-in-the-street reporter. He is a shark with legs. Zundar Silverspine, Weatherdragon Extraordinaire, is the most flamboyant member of the team and has been doing the weather forecast almost as long as NNN has been around.