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Mac Gaming Monthly

Mac Gaming Monthly

Computer gaming has always held a special place in my heart, especially since the advent of the MMO. Computers have always given me the best of both worlds; the ability to be productive and have fun. I was a Microsoft fanboy for many years, but spending time tweaking my PC had become tiresome over the years, especially with less free time available to me. I even once lost a PC due to overclocking, and almost set my house on fire!

Over the last two years, Apple had lured me in. Their design was clean, their OS was less congested, and their hardware had significantly improved. I took the plunge and made a shopping reservation one on one with an Apple store employee, and had my questions answered.

There's not much I can't do on my 27" iMac, and I thoroughly enjoy using it every day. I since then bought a Macbook pro, 2 iPads and 2 iPhones.

They were right. For the most part, it all just works.

So where is it lacking? Games...

And you know what? That gap is closing as well. It seems like more and more, as Macs gain more market share, game companies are creating Mac versions of their games.

And as they do, you'll here about it here. The MGM podcast will be a monthly event discussing great new games for the Mac. I'm not talking about Crossword Junkie 2.0 with Snow Leopard support. We're talking FPS's, RTS's, and MMOs. We'll even throw in some Mac hardware, and even some iPad/iPhone titles that really stand out.
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