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I Didnt Come Here To Lose

I Didnt Come Here To Lose

April 7th

Tonight is our last broadcast. Amira will take the first half and summarize her story and the program that has helped her so very much, "Mending the Soul."

The second half, Linda and I will summarize what you can do to begin your own personal healing. Facts about the abuser will be shared and how you can only work on yourself. Remember that anyone who doesn't see your love and choses to make you miserable by lies and misconceptions, is abusing you.
Jesus said to turn the other cheek, not because the abuser is without hope but because God needs to handle them. When you walk away from people who use your love and then stab you in the back, you are ready to begin the journey of healing. Pray that God will help them and leave them alone.

The kingdom of God is within you but you cannot feel God's love when you are hurt all the time. You are created from God's love and the only way to feel God's love is to become it. That is the only chance you have of finding joy. God wants you to enjoy life and to feel His love that has never left you. You do your part in your healing and leave the abusers with God, for He knows what they need. :)
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