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How To Position Yourself As The Obvious Expert And Grow Your Consulting Practice The Easy Way

How To Position Yourself As The Obvious Expert And Grow Your Consulting Practice The Easy Way

When Elsom Eldridge first opened his consulting practice, he did what most people do - he mailed out promotional brochures to potential customers, and then waited for the results to pour in. But they never did, and he ended up losing thousands of dollars on the mailing. Needless to say, Elsom was frustrated and confused. Fortunately though, he met a guy who specialized in building consulting practices.

That meeting changed Elsom’s life because he learned he needed to position himself as an expert in his field, and he learned exactly how to do it. Now Elsom goes around sharing that knowledge with others.

According to him, everyone is an expert at something. The goal is to expand on that expertise so that you become the "obvious expert" - someone people naturally think of when they need services in your field. And in this 50-minute audio presentation, you’ll hear exactly how to do that.

You’ll Also Hear:

* Elsom’s easy 12-step formula that will take you from "newbie" to expert in less than a year
* How to set achievable goals that will keep you on track and in business without feeling overwhelmed
* How to use service clubs to promote yourself for free and some tips for getting a 14% response rate
* Tricks for getting your promotional material into the hands (and bookshelves) of the decision makers - and out of their trashcans!
* How to write a book in under a year and publish it for pennies
* How to use the media to get free publicity for your business
* And much, much more

This audio is an absolute necessity for HMA students because the ideas outlined in the presentation can be directly applied to your practice. And if you follow Elsom’s steps, you’ll easily be able to grow your business in little or no time with little or no money. Everyone knows you need to promote a business in order to grow it, but if you do it the wrong way, you’ll just be wasting your time and money.

However, if you become the obvious expert, you’ll have more clients, be able to charge higher fees, and receive all the referrals you need. So sit back and listen to how to become that go-to expert for your consulting practice. It’s easier than you think.

This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff's
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