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Royal Wreck Of Gold

Royal Wreck Of Gold

On October 26th 1859, on the last leg of her 60-day journey from Melbourne to Liverpool, the Royal Charter was wrecked in one of the worst storms ever to hit Britain. 497 people drowned. No women or children survived. The loss of life was immense, but so too was the amount of gold on board. $130 million worth: unearthed in Australia, lost at sea - And some of it still lies beneath. Now, world champion gold hunter, Vince Thurkettle is on a mission; to recover the Royal Charters lost treasure and discover who might have owned it. To solve the mystery, Vince travels from the bottom of the ocean, to the other side of the world, rifling through the archives, and in the footsteps of the past. He meets the relatives of those who perished, and uncovers the true story of a tragedy that still resonates through the ages.
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