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'Dichter und Denker in Freiburg' ist eine fächerübergreifende Ringvorlesung zum 550. Jubiläum der Universität. Veranstalter sind das Deutsche und das Historische Seminar in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Studium Generale.
Die Ringvorlesung soll einen Überblick bieten über die Gelehrten- und Literaturgeschichte Freiburgs vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Bedeutende Gelehrte und Dichter, die in Freiburg wirkten, werden in Einzelporträts vorgestellt, die jeweils stadt-, universitäts- und kulturgeschichtlich perspektiviert werden.
Eine Ausstellung (26.10.2006. bis 8.2.2007) in der Universitätsbibliothek begleitet die Ringvorlesung, an der sich Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Philologischen, Philosophischen und Theologischen Fakultät beteiligen.
Hörer aller Fakultäten und interessierte Bürger Freiburgs sind willkommen. Die Ringvorlesung findet statt vom 2.11.2006 bis 15.2.2007 jeweils Donnerstags von 18-19 Uhr im Kollegiengebäude I, Hörsaal 1199.
Der Audio-Podcast wird von der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg produziert. Die letzte Episode des Podcasts erscheint am 20.2.2007.
Redner waren: Prof. Dr. Dieter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Thomas Zotz, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Prof. Dr. Dieter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Heribert Smolinsky, Prof. Dr. Peter Walter, Prof. Dr. Paul Gerhard Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer, Prof. Dr. Hans Fenske, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Braun, Prof. Dr. Ernst Schulin, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Volker Schupp, Prof. Dr. Sabina Becker, Prof. Dr. Günter Figal, Prof. Dr. Uwe Pörksen
Ringvorlesung 'Dichter und Denker in Freiburg'
Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer. Grammar Girl is a Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Graduate Student Monthly Podcast
A hobby shenanigans podcast by a Jane of all trades: knitting, sewing, costumes, doll collecting, action figures, entertainment, and much, much more.
Alyrenee's Copious Spare Time
Weekly lecture by authors reading and discussing their latest works. Go on, live and learn by exploring our entire collection of great lectures.
Forum Network | Book Tour Podcast Podcast
Teaching and comments by Peter Arcese on classics of world literature
Brilliant Minds
Interviews with authors about their books, their writing habits, their favorite novels, and how they got started writing.
Reading And Writing Podcast
The podcast where we talk about all things Chesterton, which includes everything, and everything else. Learn more about Chesterton, his life, his books, his way of thinking.
Uncommon Sense
Sam Tanenhaus, editor of The New York Times Book Review, discusses this week's issue.
Book Review
The New York Times
Lectures for a Survey of British Literature from the Romantics to the Moderns. ENG 264 is an online course offered during Mercer University's summer sessions.
English 264 Online
Originally published in French in 1922 and later translated by Paul C. Blum, this biography of Buddha is told in an unassuming and engaging style. The public domain text strings together the narrative of Buddha's life as gathered from several classic Buddhist texts, including the Buddhacharita of Asvaghosa, the Lalitavistara, and the Jataka, tales of the Buddha's former births. Here is the story of Prince Siddhartha. Although born into luxury, he seeks and finds enlightenment. He goes on to a life of teaching and developing a growing community. The biography ends with the Buddha's Parinirvana. The text of this English translation is made available through the generosity of The Internet Sacred Text Archive at This on-going podcast of the 58 chapters of The Life of Buddha will be available until all chapters are recorded. Afterwards, the completed audiobook will be available in a commercial edition. This audiobook is a Cloud Mountain production. The complete length of the current episodes is 3 hours and 05 minutes. * * * * * PLEASE NOTE: although not free of textual errors or outdated interpretations of the Buddha's life and teaching, its relaxed, conversational style makes The Life of Buddha an inspiring introduction to the extraordinary man called the Buddha. Please read more recent, reliable works to gather accurate knowledge of the Buddha's words and actions. * * * * *
The Life of Buddha by A. Ferdinand Herold
Poul Henningsen dengang og nu - lysmageren i nyt lys. Kulturkritikeren og multikunstneren Poul Henningsen figurerer
stadig livligt i debatten, men ofte som skræmmebillede på en udefineret
’kulturradikalisme’. Han er en mand alle har meninger om,
tit på tredje hånd, hans ideer er delvis skjult af fordomme og uvidenhed,
men der er også reel uenighed om ham. Dette seminar vil
diskutere åbent og kritisk hvad han står for, og hvilken indflydelse
han har haft på dansk livsform og bevidsthed.
Seminaret vil over 12 torsdage bringe fagfolk i debat med hinanden
og med publikum for at afklare PH’s indsats og betydning. De
indkaldte kendere kommer fra historie, kunst-, teater-, arkitekturog
designhistorie, litteratur-, sprog-, film- og medievidenskab,
kvindeforskning, jura, teologi, medicin samt fra medierne og det
politiske liv. De enkelte torsdage vil behandle PH’s idéhistoriske
placering, PH som kritiker og lyriker, hans forhold til lys, arkitektur,
byplanlægning og naturfredning, til revy og jazz, slaget om
Danmarksfilmen 1935, hans kultur-, radio-, tv-kritik, hans forhold
til retsopgør og flygtningedebat 1945-47, til seksualitet, kropskultur
og kvindesag, til arbejderbevægelse, kommunisme og konservatisme,
til reklame og forbrugerkritik. Ved tre arrangementer er
indlagt sang og musik fra PH’s repertoire, og vi slutter med en paneldiskussion
om PH, folkelighed, frisind og arven fra ham, med
repræsentanter for flere kulturpolitiske positioner.
I lighed med de tidligere forelæsningsrækker Den kulturradikale
udfordring (2000) og Det stadig moderne gennembrud (2002) er
seminaret lagt som gå-hjem-arrangementer på et tidspunkt og på
en central adresse der skulle være bekvem for mange. Der er fri
adgang for alle – så længe der er plads.
PH - dengang og nu -AUDIO PODCAST-
Københavns Universitet
Shakespeare High: Your Shakespeare Classroom on the Internet joins the podcasting revolution to enhance your study and enjoyment of Shakespeare! Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Music Store.
Shakespeare High Podcast Center
An collection of short stories by the inimitable Lev (Leo) Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910). Unlike commercial audiobooks, anticipate seeing more stories appearing in this on-going podcast. Current audiobook length: 1 hr. 48 mins.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - A Short Story Collection [Unabridged]
A short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) Here is a somewhat obscure tale titled "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" —obscure of course, until Mr. Button was conflated with Mr. Pitt. — This recording is the complete, original story as penned by Fitzgerald in the early 1920s. It was published originally in Colliers and finally collected in his popular Tales of the Jazz Age. One might call Benjamin Button an odd addition to the collection, as he was born in 1860, the year prior to Lincoln gaining his Presidency —a long way from the Jazz Age, which marked its begiining when Benjamin was 60... and he was... well, you'll have to listen to the REAL story to find out what happened before Hollywood stepped in...
The story is prefaced by Fitzgerald's brief humorous comment hidden away in the book's table of contents. Here he establishes both the tale's humor and its pathos and in a further sense, grounds it in our growing tradition of American literary sensibilities, echoing towards Mr. Clemens.
The musical accompaniment is from a public domain recording of L. Beethoven’s Cello Sonata in A, Opus 69, the fourth movement, as performed by John Michel. The piano is unattributed.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Missing Surgery 101 Notes located!
Surgery 101
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Short podcasts intended to serve as brief introductions or reviews of surgical topics for medical students. Every episode is divided into chapters and concludes with several key points to summarize the topic.
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The amazing Surgery 101 Team has been working hard behind the scenes and have finally located all of the missing Surgery 101 Notes!
Congrats to Katrina and Shannon for all their hard work, and thanks also to Baby Batman and Teeny Catwoman for their help!
The episodes are shown below, just click to go the S101 Notes page.
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Missing Surgery 101 Notes located!
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This week Surgery 101 is featuring an excellent educational video produced by two of our amazing medical students from Edmonton. The video is 'The Subcuticular Suture', by Sebastian Vrouwe & Adam Hall (link)
The TinyURL is:
After watching this video, learners will be able to:
explain indications for using a subcuticular suture
demonstrate instruments need and basic technique for placing a subcuticular suture
Highlight common mistakes made by trainees
It has already been watched more than 21,000 times and has been called "best subQ vid on youtube right now"(Video hosted by YouTube, produced by Vrouwe and Hall 2011, music by Aphex Twin used under fair use provisions for educational purposes)
Video: The Subcuticular Suture
In this episode, Dr Parveen Boora considers how Surgery 101 got started.
Running time 8:43
155. The Origins of Surgery 101
Update: if you are having trouble downloading Surgery 101 for your Android phone, the link on Handster is below:
Surgery 101 app on Android
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White discusses how to treat the patient who presents with an anal fistula. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: Describe how to determine the goals of treatment for the patient with an anal fistula Explain the meaning of the following terms: fistulotomy, seton suture Explain the difference between primary and secondary tracks Describe the use of tissue glue, fistula plug and advancement flaps in the treatment of anal fistula Running time 16:59
112 Anal Fistula III - Treatment
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White discusses how to assess the patient who presents with an anal fistula. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: Describe the important elements in the history and physical examination in the assessment of the patient with an anal fistula Discriminate between simplex and complex anal fistulas Explain when to order an MRI to assess an anal fistula Explain how to assess an anal fistula in the operating room, and explain Goodsall’s rule Running time 20:34
111. Anal Fistula II - Assessment
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White discusses basic concepts and anatomy relating to anal fistula. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: Define what an anal fistula is Describe the clinical presentation of the patient with an anal fistula Outline the important anatomical landmarks of the anal canal and draw the ‘owl’ and ‘cucumber’ diagrams Explain how an anal fistula forms List the four common types of anal fistulas Running time 21:09
110. Anal Fistula I - Basic Concepts & Anatomy
In this episode, Dr Mark Joffe discusses the need for hand hygiene in hospitals and in surgery. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: explain the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of infection describe the evidence for the effectiveness of hand hygiene identify alcohol-based handrubs as preferable to handwashing using sinks list the 4 moments of hand hygiene explain how to use "Way In Way Out" in practising hand hygiene Running time 24:23
109. Hand Hygiene
In this episode, Dr Parveen Boora discusses peptic ulcer disease. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: Describe the pathophysiology and common risk factors associated with peptic ulcer disease Describe the common non-acute clinical presentation of patients with peptic ulcer disease List three more complicated presentations of peptic ulcer disease Briefly outline the medical and surgical management of peptic ulcer disease Running time 15:41
108. Peptic Ulcer Disease
In this episode, Dr Jeff Pugh and Mitch Wilson, discuss hydrocephalus. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: · Define the term ‘hydrocephalus' and list three mechanisms by which hydrocephalus can develop. · Describe the signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus and describe common diagnostic tests. · Outline the surgical options for the management of hydrocephalus. Running time 16:40
107. Neurosurgery: Hydrocephalus
In this episode, Dr Jeff Pugh and Mitch Wilson discuss increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in adults. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: List the contents of the cranium Outline the major causes of increased intracranial pressure Describe the signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure Outline the medical and surgical management of the patient with increased intracranial pressure Running time 15:33
106. Neurosurgery: Increased Intracranial Pressure
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White provides tips to help students show what they know in the Surgery OSCE. Running time 7:08
154. 7 Tips on the Surgery OSCE
In this episode, Dr. Keith Rourke discusses urinary incontinence in adults. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: Define and describe stress, urge, overflow, and total incontinence. Perform the basic evaluation of an incontinent patient. Describe the medical and surgical treatment options for stress incontinence. Describe the medical treatment options for urge incontinence and overactive bladder. Running time 20:59
105. Urology: Urinary Incontinence
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