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Audio and video from Film & Television Studies at Monash University. Includes research papers, special events, and student-created short films.
Monash University Film & Television Studies Podcast
Limited Fork Music offers electronic and jazz-based experiments in sound as well as spoken experiments. Limited Fork Music is on the soothing side of the avant-garde. Limited Fork Music seeks and makes audible pulses. Limited Fork Music is also a literary poetry jukebox where the ego associated with high art has been overcome. Come here each week for the latest Limited Fork tune(s). Learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and see related video poams in the Limited Fork and Limited Fork Video Anthology podcasts.
Limited Fork Music
Most of us sense great changes in the world. Something's Going On. But what? And who's doing it? What do all the changes mean? And where does one turn for answers? Try The Paula Gordon Show.
The Paula Gordon Show is a rarity -- something genuinely new. Paula and co-host Bill Russell find remarkable people. Then they engage them in lively conversation. The guests regularly make sense of a life-time of sometimes decidedly technical work. And it's entertaining. No edits, no commentary, no interruptions from dead-end call-ins. Just deeply important, engrossing conversations. It's been called "'Cliff Notes' for the Baby Boom."
"We all have too much data and too little time," says Gordon. "Our listeners are just like us -- curious and eager to learn. But it's tough to find the people actually creating our future. And even harder to get first-hand access to them. Bill and I are a lot like scouts. Explorers. We go a little way ahead to see what's going on in the territory we're about to enter. Who's doing the interesting work? What do we need to know? What are we missing? Then we return with the broadcast, audio cassettes and soon the Internet. Our listeners have a life. They don't have the time or sometimes the inclination to do the background work. That's our job ! Hence 'Cliff Notes"' laughs Gordon, who was nominated for an Emmy for the television interviews she conducted before venturing into twenty years of film and video production. "I'm home," she says simply.
Bill Russell is co-host. He vigilantly balances Gordon's enthusiasm with a well tempered skepticism. "Paula and I are both genuinely excited about the changes going on all around us. And sobered. Big Things are happening in a remarkable range of endeavors. We hear the same words coming from people doing totally different work. We're surrogates for our listeners, exploring new developments in the physical, scientific, intellectual and spiritual realms. Too many people in all walks of life simply don't know how much is going on that's positive. This Show is a chance to hear about work that gives both of us hope and others are responding that way too.
It's a reality check, not 'pollyanna.' That's gratifying. "Our guests are people all over the world who both think and act," says Gordon. "They include scientists, artists, religious thinkers and physicians, writers, business people, educators and public figures. Atlanta has it's fair share. Our first guest in the New Year is Renee Glover, Director of the Atlanta Housing Authority. Cities all over the country are following her lead in providing transitional public housing for families. Renee doesn't just talk about change -- she's creating solutions." The conversation with Glover was recorded live at The Commerce Club in downtown Atlanta, where the show originates once a month.
The Paula Gordon Show Podcast
(12 June, 1892 to 18 June, 1982)
Here is unique series of new recordings of Djuna Barnes' short stories and poems. This American writer played an important part in the development of 20th Century English language modernist writing, She was a key figures in 1920-30s bohemian Paris after filling a similar role in the Greenwich Village of the teens. Her novel Nightwood, with its introduction by T. S. Eliot, is a cult work of modern fiction. She stands out today for her distinctive writing style and her portrayals of lesbian themes. Since Barnes's death, interest in her work has grown and many of her books are back in print.
Djuna Barnes - Selected Works
Pundits and people pontificate on provocative issues.
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This is the podcast for Design 100, the Design Thinking course taught by Professor Marvin Malecha, FAIA, at NC State University's College of Design.
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Shakespeare High: Your Shakespeare Classroom on the Internet joins the podcasting revolution to enhance your study and enjoyment of Shakespeare! Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Music Store.
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Originally published in French in 1922 and later translated by Paul C. Blum, this biography of Buddha is told in an unassuming and engaging style. The public domain text strings together the narrative of Buddha's life as gathered from several classic Buddhist texts, including the Buddhacharita of Asvaghosa, the Lalitavistara, and the Jataka, tales of the Buddha's former births. Here is the story of Prince Siddhartha. Although born into luxury, he seeks and finds enlightenment. He goes on to a life of teaching and developing a growing community. The biography ends with the Buddha's Parinirvana. The text of this English translation is made available through the generosity of The Internet Sacred Text Archive at This on-going podcast of the 58 chapters of The Life of Buddha will be available until all chapters are recorded. Afterwards, the completed audiobook will be available in a commercial edition. This audiobook is a Cloud Mountain production. The complete length of the current episodes is 3 hours and 05 minutes. * * * * * PLEASE NOTE: although not free of textual errors or outdated interpretations of the Buddha's life and teaching, its relaxed, conversational style makes The Life of Buddha an inspiring introduction to the extraordinary man called the Buddha. Please read more recent, reliable works to gather accurate knowledge of the Buddha's words and actions. * * * * *
The Life of Buddha by A. Ferdinand Herold
The podcast where we talk about all things Chesterton, which includes everything, and everything else. Learn more about Chesterton, his life, his books, his way of thinking.
Uncommon Sense
Lectures for a Survey of British Literature from the Romantics to the Moderns. ENG 264 is an online course offered during Mercer University's summer sessions.
English 264 Online
A collection of short stories, poems and conversations I've had over the years.
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Poul Henningsen dengang og nu - lysmageren i nyt lys. Kulturkritikeren og multikunstneren Poul Henningsen figurerer
stadig livligt i debatten, men ofte som skræmmebillede på en udefineret
’kulturradikalisme’. Han er en mand alle har meninger om,
tit på tredje hånd, hans ideer er delvis skjult af fordomme og uvidenhed,
men der er også reel uenighed om ham. Dette seminar vil
diskutere åbent og kritisk hvad han står for, og hvilken indflydelse
han har haft på dansk livsform og bevidsthed.
Seminaret vil over 12 torsdage bringe fagfolk i debat med hinanden
og med publikum for at afklare PH’s indsats og betydning. De
indkaldte kendere kommer fra historie, kunst-, teater-, arkitekturog
designhistorie, litteratur-, sprog-, film- og medievidenskab,
kvindeforskning, jura, teologi, medicin samt fra medierne og det
politiske liv. De enkelte torsdage vil behandle PH’s idéhistoriske
placering, PH som kritiker og lyriker, hans forhold til lys, arkitektur,
byplanlægning og naturfredning, til revy og jazz, slaget om
Danmarksfilmen 1935, hans kultur-, radio-, tv-kritik, hans forhold
til retsopgør og flygtningedebat 1945-47, til seksualitet, kropskultur
og kvindesag, til arbejderbevægelse, kommunisme og konservatisme,
til reklame og forbrugerkritik. Ved tre arrangementer er
indlagt sang og musik fra PH’s repertoire, og vi slutter med en paneldiskussion
om PH, folkelighed, frisind og arven fra ham, med
repræsentanter for flere kulturpolitiske positioner.
I lighed med de tidligere forelæsningsrækker Den kulturradikale
udfordring (2000) og Det stadig moderne gennembrud (2002) er
seminaret lagt som gå-hjem-arrangementer på et tidspunkt og på
en central adresse der skulle være bekvem for mange. Der er fri
adgang for alle – så længe der er plads.
PH - dengang og nu -AUDIO PODCAST-
Københavns Universitet
A podcast by veterinary ethologist Myrna Milani covering a wide range of topics related to animal health, behavior, and the human-animal bond. Learn more at » Audio Updates
Experts discuss art, history, politics, religion, science, and more.
Forum Network | Public Domain Podcast Podcast
An collection of short stories by the inimitable Lev (Leo) Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910). Unlike commercial audiobooks, anticipate seeing more stories appearing in this on-going podcast. Current audiobook length: 1 hr. 48 mins.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - A Short Story Collection [Unabridged]
Weekly lecture by authors reading and discussing their latest works. Go on, live and learn by exploring our entire collection of great lectures.
Forum Network | Book Tour Podcast Podcast
Lay yourself down to sleep with the soothing soporific of Miette's purr as she reads you the world's greatest works of short fiction, in a style all her own and in a way only she can.
World classics, known and unknown literary masterpieces, and modern experimental titles are all represented in what's quickly becoming the most comprehensive (and most saucy) short fiction anthology. Sweet dreams.
Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
The Sydney Writers' Centre podcast on writers and writing features interviews with best-selling and acclaimed writers in a wide range of genres including literary fiction, fantasy, children's books, non-fiction, business and much more. Founder of the Sydney Writers' Centre, Valerie Khoo, interviews successful writers on how they approach the writing process and what goes into creating a remarkable piece of work.
Sydney Writers' Centre Podcast
Teaching and comments by Peter Arcese on classics of world literature
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