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The Overfed Head

The Overfed Head

This unabridged version of Rob Stevens’ original paperback book provides a unique experience for the listener. The book literally comes alive through the voice of Marty Peterson in this 4-disc, three-hour journey. You will see yourself in Rob’s story of yo yo dieting and get clear how your own dieting history is affecting your life. You will get to a place, at the end of the audiobook, where you are ready to stop dieting and are ready to start tapping into your thintuition…something you’ve had all along. Hope and possibility override failure and disappointment from the past.

Thintuition is about giving your body exactly what it wants, no more and no less. It is a form of mindfulness applied to eating. You can succeed permanently with it because it is in harmony with your basic nature.

Each time you listen to this audiobook you will see new hope and possibilities for yourself and your life and weight can cease to be a struggle for you once and for all.

From the Author
I lost 140 pounds and have kept it off for five years without dieting, struggle or deprivation-eating all the foods I love. How is this possible? That's what you will discover in my book. And my intention in writing this book is that something new will open up for you as well, so you can finally win this battle with weight-once and for all.

From the Inside Flap
This audiobook is for anyone who is ready to stop dieting, start losing weight and enjoy the foods you love. Tap into your thintuition and never diet again.

About the Author
Morbidly obese Rob Stevens stopped dieting and started following his thintuition in 1998 and lost 140 pounds and has kept it off since 1999 eating the foods he loves. He left his successful sales career and started writing this book so others could experience the same freedom from weight struggles as he has.

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