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deadthyme radio show

deadthyme radio show

[deadthyme] is a two and a half hour weekly underground modern counter-culture radio show that is broadcast on non-commercial KPFT 90.1 FM in Houston, TX (so there's no commercials or interruptions). Modern counter-culture music can be defined many different ways, but for this show it's defined as punk, goth, industrial, and all the subgenres therein (death rock, hardcore, industrial noise, grindcore, darkwave, crust, oi!, e.b.m., d-beat, noizecore, gothic metal, power violence, straight-edge, horror punk, experimental, etc.) as well as other forms of offbeat music that slip between the cracks (such as Negativland, Swans, Chrome, Big Black, etc.) and even a little extreme metal and doom/ funeral doom on occasion.
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