Will Communication is all about marrying the worlds of science, art, and food, and there is no better man to do it than chef/mad scientist Will Goldfarb. Every week on this culinary variety show he’ll be speaking to people that blur the lines between art and cuisine, redefine what cooking means, and generally work to create delicious (and beautiful) things.
For more info go to : www.willpowder.com
Mr. Goldfarb runs Picnick, an innovative sandwich concept with a strong green and social welfare component. He operates Willpowder, a source for specialty pastry products for the restaurant and home. In April 2007, he helped found The Experimental Cuisine Collective, which pursues interdisciplinary learning. Mr. Goldfarb is developing a television show with his daughter Loulou. Mr. Goldfarb is currently working on his first cook book. He lives with his wife Maria in Jackson Heights, New York.