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ReCourses: Advice to Marketing Firms

 ReCourses: Advice to Marketing Firms
A periodic podcast with advice for small marketing firms and in-house departments, specifically in advertising, graphic design, public relations, and interactive. We help clients manage transitions and obstacles to success via consulting, writing, speaking, seminars, conferences, and roundtables. We also help other consultants develop their practices. We provide principals with objective, expert advice on best practices, but we are unique because we know a particular field intimately, having learned and developed "best practices" from working with hundreds of firms in this niche since 1994. And we apply them with proprietary, defined processes (TBR, BEA, RVM, RFM, PBME, etc.) that both ensure results and make the working relationship enjoyable to you. You'll already know much of what we point out, but we will put the pieces into context, save you from experimenting, and bring solutions that may not have occurred to you yet. We'll gently pull you out of the marinade of indecision and warm up the grill. Our unique ability is to actively engage others through grounded assessment to quickly build consensus around authentic, seductive solutions that mobilize them beyond difficult transitions to focus on their own unique opportunities. These podcasts will contain relevant thought leadership content from seminars, interviews, and original material.
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