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Motorcycle Mary's School of Finance
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Motorcycle Mary's School of Finance

In real life, Motorcycle Mary is Mary McCune, a financial humorist. She knows that a lot of people work hard, earn a good living, and are not stupid about money. They just never learned how to manage it. And Mary speaks from her own personal experience. She is a former hard-living spendaholic who spent thirty years mired in financial misery. On her journey back to financial health, she developed a common-sense approach to managing money. Now, as a successful motivational speaker and author, she shows you how to use her practical money-management skills to get control of your financial life right now. And Motorcycle Mary does it with equal doses of humor, honesty, and heart: If an old biker chick can figure out how to do this, you can too! Motorcycle Maryâs system is a process that is universal to all income levels---with or without debt. Her program is guaranteed not to be a lecture from a banker in a 3-piece suit, but a presentation filled with Motorcycle Mary Maryisms that strike to the heart and to the subconscious mind of those wanting to know how to handle their finances. This is definitely one financial podcast you will not want to miss. Motorcycle Mary speaks from the heart---and will touch yours deeply.
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