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St. Clement Church, Toronto
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St. Clement Church, Toronto

St. Clement's pod casts feature a series of guest speakers recorded during our popular series Forty Minute Forum. The series slogan is Engaging, Provocative, Entertaining! And all our speakers are chosen with this in mind. The series runs from September to June and features speakers as diverse as Dr.Jessica Warner author of The Day George Bush Stopped Drinking to Imam Abdul Hai Patel, Past Co-coordinator of the Canadian Council of Imams.
Our past topics have included Schism, Sex and other Myths with Bishop Colin Johnson, Global Health from Lab to Village, The American Election: A Discussion with Edward Greenspon, Mental Health: A Personal and Literary Perspective.
Our speakers are current, topical and as the title states discuss their views in a concise forty minutes. Join us as we explore our world, our human relationships and the divine.
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