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NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
KCRW 89.9 FM is a Free Internet Public Radio Station of Santa Monica College, in Los Angeles, California - Streaming Live Independent Music, NPR News, and Talk
KCRW 89.9 FM | Internet Public Radio Station Streaming Live Independent Music & NPR News Online from Los Angeles, CA - KCRW
American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
American Public Media
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Podcasting, RSS Feed, XML Feed. Visit Business Week for up-to-date podcasts, news feeds and online news. Podcasts use an RSS feed (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) to deliver updated information in an xml feed.
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WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America’s space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, subscribe to blogs, RSS feeds and podcasts, watch NASA TV live, or simply read about our mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE), provides two 24-hour premium TV services, HBO and Cinemax, to subscribers across the United States via cable, C-band satellite, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and microwave (MMDS). HBO is also available to guests in hotels and motels across the country.
CNET is the premier destination for tech product reviews, news, price comparisons, free software downloads, daily videos, and podcasts.
Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET
The Onion, America's Finest News Source, is an award-winning publication covering world, national, and * local issues. It is updated daily online and distributed weekly in select American cities.
The Onion
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
PBS and our member stations are America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. In addition, PBS's educational media helps prepare children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way.
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What Would Lloyd Say?
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"What Would Lloyd Say?" is writer/humorist's Lloyd Garver's take on all the aspects of life that don't make sense: popular culture, politics, sports, sex, and why expensive hotels charge for internet connections but cheap ones don't.
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High energy underground podsafe rock and roll from the planet Marseille and around the world with many contributions from consenting rockstars. Live concerts, interviews, new albums, dead bands, noisy ambience, laughs and continuous connections around the music world and more. Most of the time in English, quelquefois en Français sur des sujets précis, fur Spass bald in Deutsch !!
A weekly review of the best new music from the staff of The Hartford Courant.
Your hosts are Eric R. Danton, Courant Rock Critic, and Stephen Busemeyer, a Courant editor and CD reviewer. Guest commentary is brought to you by Eric Gershon, a Courant business reporter who has written about music for the Boston Phoenix and other publications; Babe Zero, a former Courant photo editor; Elizabeth Zuhl, a graphic designer at The Courant, and Regine Labossiere, a writer at The Courant who has unprintable accents in her name.
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Each week To the Best of Our Knowledge delivers in-depth interviews with nationally and internationally-known guests whose passion for new ideas will challenge and engage. Hosted by Jim Fleming, this interview magazine is thoughtful and penetrating, and features fascinating topics and guests
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A podcast all about Japanese cartoons and comics as discussed by three self-proclaimed experts in the world of anime and manga! Plus anime news / reviews, coverage of classic anime, hentai / yaoi, and much, much more. Updated every week. We hope.
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Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. This daily program from WNYC, New York Public Radio cuts through the usual talk radio punditry and brings a smart, humane approach to the day's events.
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John Selig Outspoken features interviews with GLBT leaders and opinion makers, discussions with GLBT writers and commentaries from me - John Selig, your host. All this plus music from electronic music virtuoso, Jeffrey Reid Baker. Please visit our blog for more information about John Selig Outspoken at
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Dalan Kalamar, a young aristocrat, finds himself stripped of his title, name, and family. Now an outcast from society, he is forced into a life of marginal living, manual labour, and avoiding the murderous intentions of people once considered his friends.
Hilarious weekly round table of the craziest voices in queer podcasting offering up their uniquely delicious spin on sex, politics, religion, gay rights, and more.
Eat This Hot Show
Dal libro al computer, dalla pagina al tuo i-pod. Scritture in volo. Idee in volo...i reading, i commenti sull'attualità e le interviste degli autori della casa editrice Feltrinelli. Appuntamenti settimanali e commenti sull'attualità più scottante... per tenere sempre la mente accesa.
Nel podcast trovi:
Daniele Luttazzi: Lepidezze postribolari
Allan Bay: Scuola di cucina
Salvatore Natoli: Lezioni di filosofia
Antonio Albanese su "Il ritorno a casa di Enrico Metz" di Claudio Piersanti
Paolo Nori: Scuola elementare di scrittura emiliana
Isabel Allende incontra il suo pubblico a Milano
Maurizio Maggiani: Il viaggiatore zoppo... che non ha smesso di viaggiare;
Antonio Tabucchi: In mancanza di prove. Riflessioni sull'Italia di oggi;
Federico Moccia: L’amore tutte le mattine. Perché non c’è niente di più bello che svegliarsi e rincorrere l’amore;
Umberto Galimberti: La casa di psiche. Ragioniamo sui problemi d’oggi con gli strumenti della filosofia;
Pino Cacucci: Stampa rassegnata. La rassegna stampa del lunedì in questo disgraziato paese (in collaborazione con radio Città del Capo Radio Metropolitana di Bologna);
Stefano Benni: In vivavoce. Un’antologia dei file audio del "Lupo" scaricabili in Mp3;
Maksim Cristan (fanculopensiero);
Rossana Campo: Con la bocca impastata e la testa confusa. Voglio uscire a camminare per le strade...;
Gennaro Matino: La tenerezza di un Dio diverso. Quando parlare di Lui è parlare di noi;
... e poi Zarmandili, Flores, Manconi, Rodotà, Sgrena, Gesualdi, Palandri e tanti, tanti altri.
Radio Feltrinelli
Since its debut in August 1995, WNCU, 90.7 FM, licensed to North Carolina Central University, has consistently fulfilled its mission to provide quality culturally appropriate programming to public radio listeners in the Triangle area. The format of this listener supported public radio station entertains the jazz aficionado, educates the novice jazz listener and disseminates news and information relative to the community-at-large. WNCU 90.7 FM is a 50,000 watt public radio station and an affiliate of NPR, PRI and Pacifica Radio.
WNCU 90.7 FM Jazz Radio
Welcome to the podcast version of The Best Laid Plans, the winner of the 2008 Stephen Leacock Award for Humour. It's a satirical novel of Canadian politics, written and podcast by Terry Fallis. It recounts the unlikely and eventful alliance between a 30-something burnt out, jaded political staffer, and an older, cantankerous, engineering professor. Driven by a federal election and the life of the resulting minority conservative government, the novel moves between Ottawa, the national capital, and the small town of Cumberland, Ontario on the shores of the Ottawa River. While the characters and their exploits are often comical, serious ideas on politics and democracy underlie the fun.
Listener comments are welcome via the blog ( or e-mail (
The Best Laid Plans
Interviews, lectures, readings and more from the staff and contributors of The New York Review of Books
The New York Review of Books Podcast
Le amazzoni, Ulisse, Agamennone, Medea, Enea, Turno, Romolo e Remo... Quando il mito si intreccia con la storia, la letteratura, l'arte. Eva Cantarella, docente di Istituzioni di diritto romano e Diritto greco antico all'Università di Milano e autrice di numerosi libri, tra cui "Itaca" e "L'amore è un dio", ci accompagna alla scoperta dei miti della Grecia antica e della Roma latina.
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IRC is the ultimate blog for the latest news about signed and unsigned artists and groups that are making waves in the music industry, plus music exclusives, interviews, concert listings, MP3s, music videos, contests, community forums, alternative rock, artist profiles, best bands and great indie songs, and the occasional gossip and promotions.
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Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
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Este es un programa radial de servicio público que ilustra a la vez que entretiene al ofrecer al radioescucha temas de la historia, cultura, y sociedad de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, mediante amenas entrevistas hechas por el Presidente de la Fundación Voz del Centro, Angel Collado Schwarz. Haciendo también de provocador, motiva a los invitados a que compartan con el público las investigaciones y los recuentos orales que están relacionados con los personajes, sucesos, organizaciones u obras sobre las cuales se conversa. Esta biblioteca virtual le da permanencia a los programas que se trasmiten todos los domingos a las 7:00 PM a través de las emisoras WKAQ 580 AM San Juan, WUKQ, 1420 AM Ponce; WABA, Aguadilla, 850 AM, WAEL, y Mayaguez 600 AM y WADO, Nueva York 1280 AM. Con esta iniciativa y con la serie de publicaciones que incluyen una selección de entrevistas ilustradas, de las cuales ya está a la venta la primera, Voces de la Cultura I, se pretende ofrecer un recurso de difusión de nuestra historia y cultura que abarque diversos medios de comunicación.
La Voz Del Centro
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