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Love Jesus, Hate Church
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Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4 brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America’s space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, subscribe to blogs, RSS feeds and podcasts, watch NASA TV live, or simply read about our mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
J.C. Hutchins
Latest news and features on science issues that matter including earth, environment, and space. Get your science news from the most trusted source!
Scientific American
Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American
Next time the show will revolve around Rouge’s Double Dead Guy Ale, so scrape up some for drinking along if you can find it. And if you happen to be a fan of horror fiction, especially of the podcasted variety, crack open/download your favorite novel or short story and get reading/listening.
Charlie the Beer Guy
Ari Goldwag is a Jewish recording artist. As a youth he was a soloist for the Miami Boys Choir. Currently he is popular both in Israel and America and has released several albums.
Goldwag's first two albums contain mostly original compositions. The title track of the third album (Flippin' In) was meant as a rebuttal to Blue Fringe's controversial song Flippin' Out. His fourth album features a number of his fellow former child soloists of the Miami Boys Choir, including Oded Karity, Yitzy Spinner, Nochum Stark, Eric Stern, and Nachman Seltzer.
Ari Goldwag
Hong Kong's biggest Radio and TV
Delivering the largest adult radio audience in Sydney, the Macquarie Radio Network is home to the number one rating talk station, 2GB 873, and easy listening 2CH 1170. Macquarie Radio Network Limited was listed on the ASX in April 2005.
Macquarie Radio Network (C)
Love Jesus, Hate Church
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A podcast for those who have taken an honest look at the church, scratched their head, and said, "You know, this ain't the way church is suppose to be. Something must be wrong. Bad wrong."
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You might also like - A NYC-based resource for your own unique spiritual journey. was created by New York City yogis and spiritual seekers to help others make sense of their own unique spiritual path. Join us as we conduct interviews with contemporary masters and explore the worlds of Yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts, Ayurveda, Siddha Vaidya, East-meets-West Consciousness, Human Evolution, Creativity, Spirituality in the NYC and the Modern World, Contemporary Spiritual Teachers, Modern Gurus, Healers, Therapists, Nutritionists, Psychics, Scientists, Artists, Philosophers and Visionaries. Explore more at or - The NYC Dharma Podcast & The Path of No Path
Australian produced television series, Haunted Australia. Join the cast and crew as they report behind the scenes to give you an insight into the show, its cast, crew and locations.
We will be hosting discussions about the show and the paranormal field with co-hosts, viewers and international peers.
alias of New
Mexico-born, Ohio-raised multimedia artist, John
Ibarra. Musically he
combines the aesthetics of ethnographic field
recordings with
destructive practices often involving
circuit-bent toys, prepared CD's
and tapes, and misused encoding software.
El Plan De Aguavodka Podcast
“Heal Yourself Talk Radio” is a talk radio show designed to help those who are searching to obtain help in learning how to heal their mind, body and spirit.
Heal Yourself Talk Radio
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon is a daily children’s series that ran between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 1938. The story begins with six year old Jonathan Thomas lying in bed on Christmas Eve with his teddy bear Guz. While he is lying in bed two elves slide down a moonbeam into his room. Guz, his teddy bear, chase the elves back up the moonbeam and Jonathan Thomas follows in order to get his Guz back.
Upon reaching the moon Jonathan Thomas meets the Man in the Moon and his horse Gorgonzola. After being accused of kidnapping Santa Claus, the troop is commanded to bring back him in time for Christmas.
On their adventure they confront evil witch, a dragon with thirteen tales and they meet several characters from the Lewis Carol classic: Alice in Wonderland.
Will they be able to rescue Santa Claus from the Squeebubblians in time to save Christmas?
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon
Looking for the weird? Obsessed with the unseen? Like a beer with your bigfoot? The Parafactor is paranormal radio with a little spice. If you ever wondered what would happen if Howard Stern took over hosting duties on Coast to Coast then give the Parafactor a listen. Co-hosted by three of the industry's funniest paranormal researchers (oh yeah, there is such a thing), The Parafactor mixes UFOs with blind dates and a dash of pop culture to give you morning show atmosphere with all the topics you've come to expect from great paranormal radio. Listen live Thursdays from 9PM EST to midnight (
The Parafactor
The ICJS presents a series of lectures, classes, and discussions on Jewish-Christian relations centered on interfaith text study.
Institute for Christian & Jewish Studies
هذا البرنامج يختص بتعليم اللغة الفارسية ومن خلال متابعة حلقاته ستكون قادراً على تعلم واتقان اللغة الفارسية وعلى التعرف على الثقافة والحضارة الايرانية - الاسلامية كما ستتعرف من خلالها على الشعب الايراني وثقافته.
اللغة الفارسية هي لغة الدولة الايرانية التي كانت في العهود الغابرة اكبر مما هي عليه في الوقت الحاضر، ويتكلم بهذه اللغة حالياً شعوب واقوام عدة في افغانستان وطاجيكستان وفي اجزاء من باكستان والهند وفي بعض دول الخليج الفارسي كالبحرين مثلاً، وللغة الفارسية لهجات عديدة يتكلمها نحو مائتي مليون شخص.
تعلم الفارسية
The best in nu-jazz, broken beat, bruk beat, dubstep future-funk, afro-latin house, neo-soul and soul-jazz classics.,, Facebook:
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This is a true confession of everything in my head.
Confessions of a Girl
Tree of Life Church - Sanctuary
Tree of Life Church - Sanctuary
A new podcast based on the book 'The Approach to Philosophy', written by Ralph Barton Perry PH.D.
Mister Perry was assistant professor of philosophy at Harvard University when his book was first published in 1905.
The series of podcasts is produced by Calzada Broadcasting an comprises a collection of readings from the book by Steve live on his English language radio programme on RCC 107.6 FM in Spain.
The Approach To Philosophy - Free Online Course
This is a story about belief--in God, sexual ethics, morals, political ideologies--told through two friends’ struggle to make sense of life’s triumphs and tragedies, which they interpret through very different religious filters. Ian wants answers his faith can’t provide, so he abandons traditional religion, turning instead to science and reason. Bill has become a devoted Christian who sees the bountiful harvest that can be achieved through faith. Only when a pair of shocking revelations test the friendship, and shatter their worldviews with deadly consequences, do they stumble upon a genuine secret of the universe.
A Secret of the Universe: A Story of Love, Loss, and the Discovery of an Eternal Truth
Reviews, news, interviews, and more! Everything you want to know about Tarot!
Tarot-to-Go Radio
Welcome to won't You Be My Neighbor?!! Does God piss you off? Do you feel like your favorite sports team doesn't get enough respect? Have you been waiting for two hosers from the West End of Vancouver to come up with a podcast that speaks mainly to those two specific needs? If so, you've come to the right place my friends. Please subscribe and let the hilarity ensue.
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Powerfully energizing! These messages are direct power kicks. Dedicated to your spiritual evolution. Key challenges with best strategies to overcome them - Brought to you by - For topic suggestions for future podcasts, email me your questions at
< Spirit - News >
Government Cover-Ups, Ancient Civilizations, Secret Societies, Alien Invasions, What if it is all true? Magic, conspiracy, mind control, ETs, strange science, weather wars, space wars, and the miraculous, Radio Freeman explores them all.
Radio Freeman
Jim and Them are the combination of Jim Scampoli and Jake Sprague and Jeff Murphy (sometimes but not recently Brandon). With their powers combined they become POP CULTURE! WARNING - Dick jokes running wild!
Jim and Them
Created for Creation. The finest selection in Funky, Gospel, Electro & Progressive House.
This Is The Mark[DJ] Mix House!
CONTACT Talk Radio International presents cutting edge interviews with fascinating people, geared toward overall mind, body and spirit; environmental sustainability; social justice and more. CTR connects listeners with tools that will assist them in making positive and empowering choices for their lives.
Contact Talk Radio: LIVE with Cameron and Davindia
Curious Sundries and Callous Broadsides
Underworld Amusements
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