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The inside track to a sexy, confident you | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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The inside track to a sexy, confident you | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Join Janet Powers and Mary Jo Rapini each Thursday at 12Noon EST for an honest and open conversation about life, relationships and and women's issues. In line with the Diva Toolbox mission to inspire, educate and empower women with the information they need to succeed, Mary Jo's goal is to help women gain the freedom to be all they can be, and she hopes that all women will find the information we provide useful. Mary Jo believes that what women need to be complete is a strong support system. Often times that comes in the form of a boyfriend or a husband but it does not necessarily have to. A woman's support system should provide her with reinforcement, and should encourage her to be brave enough to make individual strides and be her own person. Women must understand their bodies, their sexuality, and their own passions and gifts. Knowledge about ones health and sexuality is key to finding happiness in relationships.
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