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Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster that produces television, radio and online content in 30 languages. It provides a European perspective to its global audience and promotes intercultural dialogue.
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle offers Language Learning Podcasts in Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Language Learning with Free Podcasts
Hong Kong's biggest Radio and TV
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Learn a language with the Radio Lingua Network: download our free audio lessons, or take your learning to the next stage with our learning materials.
Radio Lingua Network
Radio Lingua Network: Language-learning where and when it suits you
As a media enterprise around the world, the Nikkei group contributes to the development of an affluent and intellegent society by creatng new value in the economy, quality of life, and culture
Københavns Universitet
staiton81.comは新しいメディアの可能性を追求していく企画・制作・配信・販売を行う会社です。 (森èæ£æ´)
The channel aims at non-Chinese speaking person getting familiar with Chinese and could learn basic word and daily-used phrases in Chinese by circumstances which occur everyday in one's life. As a Chinese language teaching Channel, all the items such as phonetics vocabulary, character and grammar are well selected and organized according to principles of a second language acquisition. Besides Chinese it also offers chances for you to understand more about China and Chinese people.
Chinese Learing Planet
For Better
Showcasing the excellence and diversity of the nation's premier research university, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California - teaching, research and public service - through quality, in-depth television that informs, educates and enriches the lives of people around the globe.
IDでログインすると、一部のコースを除き学習データを引き継ぐことができます。 最新ニュース: 5月19日: 法人向け英語学習
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Here you will find all episodes of the Learn Chinese in 5 minutes podcast, produced by South Island School Students.
Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes (HD)
A picture says a thousand words, and at 15 frames a second we're going to be saying a lot!!! Being the only true international language, body language is key to communication, and in this videocast, you can see the body movements that go along with the Japanese. In the video version, the same great staff from (podcast version) bring you basic and practical Japanese with subtitle's in Romaji (Roman alphabet), Hiragana (Japanese alphabet) and Kanji (Chinese characters). These videocasts are designed in tandum with our podcasts to consolidate the audio lessons!
Learn Japanese | (Video)
I will teach you to speak English easily and quickly using my Effortless English system. You can finally be a fantastic English speaker, not just a good English reader.
Effortless English Podcast
Learn ESL Business English anywhere, anytime with Business English podcasts and online learning resources from
Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online
This is a podcast to provide extra support to our Latin classes.
Lingua Latina
UCTV delivers documentaries, faculty lectures, cutting-edge research symposiums and artistic performances from each of the ten UC campuses.
UCTV Video Podcasts is an innovative and fun way of learning the German language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by today to learn more!
Learn German | is an innovative and fun way of learning the Japanese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by today to learn more!
Learn Japanese | (Audio and Video)
Learn Tamil alphabets - In this podcast you will learn tamil alphabets - vowels (uyirezhuthu) and consonants(maiyezhuthu) with the help of pictures. Parents can use this
podcast to teach tamil alphabets to their kids. In each episode you will learn how to write tamil alphabets and by the end of the series, you would have mastered the Tamil script
Learn Tamil - Languagereef's language learning podcast
Los videos están para complementar el contenido del podcast "Desde el baño": temas relacionados con el vocabulario y expresiones de la Argentina. Empezaron siendo parte de él, pero decidí subirlos por separado. Perdonen la calidad, hago lo que puedo con la cámara digital que tengo.
Videos (Desde el baño)
聞くスペイン語 Escucha español
Keep up with work when you're absent or check out a podcast for extra help.
French at MHS
Trainieren Sie Ihr Hörverstehen mit dem Video-Thema: Regelmäßig finden Sie hier authentisches Videomaterial aus dem Angebot von DW-TV.
Video-Thema | Deutsch lernen | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7: Reading and Writing Informational Text provides classroom teachers, literacy and curriculum specialists, and other leaders in English language arts education with instructional strategies for supporting student success with informational texts in the classroom and on the Ohio Achievement Test-Reading. Watch webcasts that present 30-minute panel discussions exploring the teaching-learning implications sample OAT items, student responses, and ELA content standards suggest in relation to the reading and writing of informational text. Use the webcast viewing guide to initiate or continue professional dialogue and instructional planning on enhancing literacy in your school or district. In addition, take advantage of the webcasts’ mini-collections--small sets of ORC resources containing additional instructional examples, lesson ideas, and supplemental resource materials. Lastly, use the reference bibliographies provided for further information and reflection on effective teaching with informational texts.
Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7
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