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This is a podcast to provide extra support to our Latin classes.
Lingua Latina
Transparent Language's Portuguese Blog podcast, featuring great articles on topics such as the Portuguese language, slang, grammar, vocabulary, Brazilian culture, music, art and film and much more!
Portuguese Blog
Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7: Reading and Writing Informational Text provides classroom teachers, literacy and curriculum specialists, and other leaders in English language arts education with instructional strategies for supporting student success with informational texts in the classroom and on the Ohio Achievement Test-Reading. Watch webcasts that present 30-minute panel discussions exploring the teaching-learning implications sample OAT items, student responses, and ELA content standards suggest in relation to the reading and writing of informational text. Use the webcast viewing guide to initiate or continue professional dialogue and instructional planning on enhancing literacy in your school or district. In addition, take advantage of the webcasts’ mini-collections--small sets of ORC resources containing additional instructional examples, lesson ideas, and supplemental resource materials. Lastly, use the reference bibliographies provided for further information and reflection on effective teaching with informational texts.
Fostering Student Success on the OAT-Reading, Grades 5-7
This podcast is for intermidiate learners and beginers.I will be very glad to hear from you that it helps your learning. Also, any suggestions and questions about this podcast will be appreciated.
Learn Korean
I will teach you to speak English easily and quickly using my Effortless English system. You can finally be a fantastic English speaker, not just a good English reader.
Effortless English Podcast
A picture says a thousand words, and at 15 frames a second we're going to be saying a lot!!! Being the only true international language, body language is key to communication, and in this videocast, you can see the body movements that go along with the Japanese. In the video version, the same great staff from (podcast version) bring you basic and practical Japanese with subtitle's in Romaji (Roman alphabet), Hiragana (Japanese alphabet) and Kanji (Chinese characters). These videocasts are designed in tandum with our podcasts to consolidate the audio lessons!
Learn Japanese | (Video)
Mission Europe es un curso de idiomas para principiantes compuesto por las tramas policiacas Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków y Mission Paris. Sumérjase en el mundo de los idiomas y aprenda polaco con Misja Kraków. [versión en español]
Mission Europe - Misja Kraków | Aprender polaco | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Year 12 Interview their sporting heroes!
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Following on from work done in class, the students interview each other about different and sometimes dangerous sports!
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MFL @ Northgate
Following on from work done in class, the students interview each other about different and sometimes dangerous sports!
Year 12 Interview their sporting heroes!
Following on from work done in class, the students interview each other about different and sometimes dangerous sports!
Year 12 Interview their sporting heroes!
Y8 go to the Market, mainly buying Mushrooms and Carrots!
Y8 Auf dem Markt
In this episode, our Year 9, Set 2 have been working on producing their own short radio show. In class we prepared various sections that you would find in a typical radio show, including news, sport, travel, weather, celebrity interviews, quizzes, film reviews and a short radio drama. What is lacking in some of the language is more than balanced by the enthusiasm shown by the group, who were, at first very nervous and reluctant to speak French publicly. The result is a bit of fun, a lot of French, and a ton of imagination. Have a listen and leave a comment on the Northgate MFL blog!
Year 9 French Podcast - Bizarre FM
Following on from work done in class, the students interview each other about different and sometimes dangerous sports!
Year 12 Interview their sporting heroes!
Form 7/8 say 'Hallo!' to you all, and talk about about themselves and their school in German.
Hallo! From 7/8 in German
MFL @ Northgate
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