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FCV081 audio: Parent Shaming — Guest: Mercedes Samudio

Parents are very tuned in to other parents. When we see something in public looks like "bad" parenting, our impulse to judge may be to strong to resist. But a snapshot of a situation doesn't often tell the whole story. You don't know what came before, and you don't know what's going to happen after. Rushing to judgment doesn't help child or parent. It takes a village to raise a child, but what's a concerned villager to do? "Instead of me assuming that (the parent under pressure) needs parenting help, and that I know what you need, it's better to say to come in with curiosity," says parent coach, Mercedes Samudio. "You might say to that parent, 'Hi. How are you doing? What do you need?' That gives the parent a chance to tell you what (if anything) he or she might need in the moment. And if you can help. Great!" Annie talks with Mercedes about ways to help other parents in need rather than rushing to judgement and parent shaming.

About Mercedes Samudio (@ParentSkillz)
Mercedes Samudio, MSW, works with families to help them develop healthy communication skills, coping skills to manage behaviors, manage severe emotional issues, develop, create dynamic parent-child relationships, and navigate social media & technology. She has worked with adoptive families, foster families teen parents, parents navigating the child protective services system, and children living with mental illness. Mercedes focuses on parent coaching and guiding families to reducing unwanted behaviors, developing effective parenting strategies, creating healthy communication habits, and designing social media/tech plans for their household. Learn more at

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