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Won't ya join me for a cold brew Friday's 5PM-ish. When ya crank all week, I like wrap it up with a cold one. Relax with a few friends, chat, and crack one open. Each week I'll try a new brew and let ya know what I think.
Steve's Friday Brew
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Vincent convie les gourmands dans sa cuisine pour les inspirer avec ses recettes faciles qui mettent l'eau à la bouche. Un chef décontracté qui a troqué sa toque pour partager le plaisir d'une bonne bouffe en toute amitié. Regarder c'est déjà goûter !
Le Casse croûte (Video)
HOW TO: Record Drums is the premier training video podcast for getting the most out of your Drum Recordings. Geared toward the musician, hobbyist, and aspiring recording engineer---this series delivers concise info from the basics to more advanced tips, opinions, and techniques. Look for future HOW TOs featuring guest engineers presenting unique insights on how they get "THAT" sound. Rock on! For the full length tutorials including larger 16x9 screen sizes, added content, special features, and optional mobile phone feeds, check out the HOW TO: Record Drums -PREMIUM Bundles at
HOW TO: Record Drums-TIPs
A Celebration of Women, the Sacred Feminine and the Right Brain
Guiding Women to their Strength as Leaders
Leading Men to Strength without Armor
In Our Right Minds
Carl's Jr. Theology
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With a keen eye and warped sense of humor Don gives us an illustration drawn from a routine encounter at Carl's Jr., Don shows us that God's desire for us is........
"Bigger and Better".
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WORD Research>Enhanced Podcasts
In this introductory podcast, Don explains the difference between this new podcast and the other “WORD Research Podcast”.
Don also describes what “Enhanced Podcast” means. This one is “Short & Sweet”, so give it a listen.
Introduction to the Enhanced Podcast
In this introductory podcast, Don explains the difference between this new podcast and the other “WORD Research Podcast”.
Don also describes what “Enhanced Podcast” means. This one is “Short & Sweet”, so give it a listen.
Introduction to the Enhanced Podcast
Colossians 3:22, Ephesians 6:5-6, Joel 2:13, 1 Timothy 2:22, Matthew 7:21-23 Revelation 2:4-5, 2 Timothy 4:6-8
"Did you get the memo" is a case in Biblical Integration. It stems from a Safety Memo that was circulated at UPS, however the basis of the memo bears an uncanny resemblance to the principles of scripture. When we consider the connections that the scriptures make to real life, it is not only interesting and intriguing, but the Word of God has real power to convict and reveal our own heart. The Word of God is indeed Living and active!
The WORD Research Podcast is for Educational purposes in the area of
Biblical interpretation and Christian daily living. The UPS® logo, and various graphics
as well as Sound clips from “Batman Begins”
(©2005 Warner Brothers Pictures) and “Office Space”(©1999 Twentieth Century Fox)
are used under the guidelines of “Fair Use” described in sections 107 through 118
of the US Copyright Act (title 17, U. S. Code)
Did You Get The Memo?
Sermon Notes for "The Trouble with Rubble" in PDF Format
Sermon Notes-The Trouble with Rubble
"When Obedience brings Opposition"
Nehemiah 4
Have you ever found that the closer you walk with The Lord,
There more grief you get from unbelievers.
This shouldn’t surprise us.
In John chapter 17, Jesus tell us that "we are no more of the world than He is."
And that "the world will hate us,
Because of Him."
So it is no surprise that when the Lord is working through us, the enemies of God will try to thwart whatever God is trying to accomplish through us.
And it was no different for Nehemiah.
God gave Nehemiah the task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. And it seems no sooner did he lay the first brick, that there came opposition from the enemies of God.
"The trouble with Rubble" is a message originally delivered in 2001 by Don Howatt at Eastgate Bible Chapel. In this message Don relates how Nehemiah dealt with opposition and discouragement , and how believers today can do the same.
The Trouble with Rubble (Nehemiah 4)
With a keen eye and warped sense of humor Don gives us an illustration drawn from a routine encounter at Carl's Jr., Don shows us that God's desire for us is........
"Bigger and Better".
Carl's Jr. Theology
This is the original WORD Research Podcast that debuted on October 7, 2006
“a word about The WORD” is a message based on Psalm 19:7-9 where Don Howatt describes what Word Research is all about, encouraging listeners to read God’s Word. ”Get to know the written Word and you will get to ‘The Living WORD’” as The Apostle Paul Prays in Ephesians 1:17:
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
Here with Don’s informed but personal style, he shares the scriptures with you just like he would if you were hanging out together.
a word about "The Word"
In this introductory podcast, Don explains the difference between this new podcast and the other “WORD Research Podcast”.
Don also describes what “Enhanced Podcast” means. This one is “Short & Sweet”, so give it a listen.
Introduction to the Enhanced Podcast
In a message based on Exodus 1 Andrew Jannsen teaches us how to be on the winning team-
When we look at the first chapter of Exodus we see that Pharaoh is contstantly going against God's plan for Israel. But the more Pharaoh goes against God's plan, the more problems Pharaoh has.
With many great sports motifs, Coach Jannsen encourages us to play on, and for the Winning Team.
Andrew is the Head Footbal coach of Portland Christian High School. For more information on Portland Christian Atheletics log on to
The Winning Team
WORD Research>Enhanced Podcasts
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