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MuggleCast is the most-listened to Harry Potter podcast online. Pioneering the Harry Potter podcast phenomenon in August 2005, MuggleCast has continued to bring its listeners the most entertaining and thought-provoking discussions. With each new episode we discuss everything Harry Potter: the latest news, all seven Potter books, the just-released Half-Blood Prince film, interviews with Potter stars, and more!
Totally unscripted, enlightening, and always guaranteed to give you a laugh. See why MuggleCast is the #1 most-downloaded Potter podcast.
MuggleCast: The #1 Most-Listened to Harry Potter Podcast
Unlock the secrets of the Harry Potter series! Explore the symbols and themes in the books of J.K. Rowling.
Secrets of Harry Potter
Sound Opinions, the World's only rock and roll talkshow; now to go. Hosted by Jim DeRogatis of the Chicago Sun-Times and Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune. Each week Jim and Greg bring you the latest music news and reviews. Plus tune in to hear exclusive interviews and performances. Sound Opinions is a co-production of Chicago Public Radio and American Public Media. Updated weekly.
APM: Sound Opinions on Demand
American Public Media
The Twilight Trinity is composed of Katie, Crystal, and Ryan- three girls devoted to all things Twilight.
Meet the Trinity!
We immediately fell in love with the Twilight Series. After listening to many podcasts, we thought, "Hey! we can do that!" So here we are doing just that. We are all Edward fans, but at least Katie is understanding towards Jacob. Not everyone can be as understanding as Katie.
Crystal is Bella- in her own mind at least- and, when in a moment of indecision, thinks,"What would Bella do?" Ryan whole-heartedly believes that she is Carlisle and she LIKES Emmet. She doesn't like Emmet as much as she LOVES Edward- but she really likes Emmet. (And yes, Ryan is a girl.)
Since we're just getting started, we'd love to hear from you about anything and everything! Leave comments, ask questions, tell us fun facts, complain, whatever! Join our Facebook group under Twilight Trinity.
Twilight Trinity
Each week To the Best of Our Knowledge delivers in-depth interviews with nationally and internationally-known guests whose passion for new ideas will challenge and engage. Hosted by Jim Fleming, this interview magazine is thoughtful and penetrating, and features fascinating topics and guests
PRI: To the Best of Our Knowledge Podcast
Public Radio International/WNYC
The ONLY Harry Potter podcast to bring you interviews with author J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter actors, and much more. We're discussing Deathly Hallows and Order of the Phoenix every week and are continually bringing you the best and most up to date content anywhere. Join us for the fun!
PotterCast: #1 Harry Potter Podcast
Chillpak Hollywood Hour
Chillpak Hollywood Hour
Talking Shop from the Rational Exuberance production offices! Dean Haglund the actor, improv comic and inventor best known as "Langly" one of the three computer-hacking geeks on "The X-Files" and their spin-off series "The Lone Gunmen" discusses all things Hollywood with independent filmmaker Phil Leirness. Every monday you can eavesdrop on the Tinseltown water cooler discussion. Brought to you by Chillpak.
Irish and Celtic Music Podcast
Irish and Celtic Music Podcast
Bi-monthly podcast of independent Irish music & Celtic music featured in the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine.
Reality TV Podcast - Survivor Podcast - Amazing Race Podcast - RFF Radio
Reality TV Podcast - Survivor Podcast - Amazing Race Podcast - RFF Radio
The Reality TV Podcast discusses all the latest happenings in the world Reality TV, including recaps and commentary of shows like Survivor, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, American Idol, The Mole, The Apprentice, Project Runway & other Reality Television shows that are on air right now. Plus, interviews with your favorite Reality TV Stars, the day after they are kicked off their show!! And all of this fun is packed into a weekly podcast, the best and #1 rated Reality TV Podcast on the entire internet. Hosts Rob & Trevor. Email
Renaissance Festival Podcast
Renaissance Festival Podcast
Another great podcast hosted by
The Babylon Podcast
The Babylon Podcast
The Last, Best Hope for the Study and Analysis of Babylon 5
Take a light hearted look at the world of tech, science, and sci-fi. Special interviews with industry notables. Feed Your Inner Geek!
Marc Gunn's Pub Songs Podcast
Marc Gunn's Pub Songs Podcast
A podcast of Irish songs performed at pubs, plus, poetry, rants, and raves and some of the favorite non-Celtic bands of Marc Gunn. Irish folk music, Scottish songs, American folk music, plus, folk song lyrics and news in a podcast format
ChuckChat Freestyle
ChuckChat Freestyle
An audio blog to get the life story behind a podcast pioneer and author.
Back Seat Producers
Back Seat Producers
We Don't Make Movies, But We'll Let You Know What Is and Isn't Working in Hollywood.
From A+ shows to grade Z movies, and everything else in between (like comics and video games) the equal opportunity geeks of PodCulture cover it all.
Buffy Between The Lines
Buffy Between The Lines
A fan created audio drama that explains that the stories didn't end when the cameras turned off for the summer. Created by a cast and crew of 200 people around the world the award-winning Buffy Between the Lines series carries on the Sunnydale tradition of comedy, drama, and a whole of slaying.
Second Shift: An original fantasy Podplay (web-quality audio version)
Second Shift: An original fantasy Podplay (web-quality audio version)
Second Shift follows an ambitious, character-centric story arc about three college students from Boston who find themselves "shifted" against their will to another world. They must find their place in that world while trying to return to theirs. If you've just found Second Shift, please be sure to start with episode one: "Everything to Everyone, Part 1"!
The WEIRD Show
The WEIRD Show
A weekly roundup of the weird, strange, odd, wonderful, unusual stories I find, loosely organized. A lighthearted yet honest & hopeful look at the world of UFOs, bigfoot, ghosts, magic, frontier/fringe science & the strange beings that we are.
Comics Radar
Comics Radar
Over 100 comic books are released every wednesday. It can be hard for New Readers and old fans alike to tell what good and what isn't. Comics Radar gives you news, reviews, and interviews to arm yourself with information to find the best new comics out there.
Balticon Podcast
Balticon Podcast
The Balticon Podcast brings you interviews with the people who make Science Fiction happen.
Adventures in SciFi Publishing
Adventures in SciFi Publishing
Bringing science fiction and fantasy authors to your ears one podcast at a time. We talk to great writers about books you will love, and we examine the publishing industry. We also feature helpful tips for writers.
Tony's Losing It
Tony's Losing It
Tony's journey through weight loss
Indiana Jim and DC Nick bring you insightful analysis and spirited debate about the San Francisco 49ers. We try to keep things brief and not follow too many rabbit trails. Above all, we want to hear the voice of the fans! If you're a 49ers fan, you'll have a say here, and together we'll listen to each other.
Jack Mangan's Deadpan
Jack Mangan's Deadpan
Home base for all things Jack Mangan and the Deadpan community.
GeekFit Podcast - A health and fitness podcast focused on geeks
GeekFit Podcast - A health and fitness podcast focused on geeks
Jason Tucker and Steve Klassen discuss fitness with geeks in mind..
A semi-weekly podcast from the minds behind Dragon*ConTV. WhatTheCast brings you the world as seen from the minds of crazy geeks. Sometimes serious, sometimes funny, always a little off-center. Part of the Farpoint Media family of podcasts.
Geek Cred
Geek Cred
Geek Cred brings you in-depth behind the scenes interviews to give you the inside scoop on everything geek, from tech, to sci-fi, to games--you name it, we geek it!
SciFi Smackdown
SciFi Smackdown
Battle Geeking Just the Way You Like It
Wingin' It 3-D
Wingin' It 3-D
It is our mission to provide our listeners with enjoyable banter, humorous content and hopefully a laugh or two. Our listeners are more than just our audience; they are also participants in this journey. We all seem to enjoy the same things mdash; geeky stuff, libations, and laughter. We hope you listen in, enjoy the content and contribute something yourself if you feel so inspired.
Charlie Jade Verse
Charlie Jade Verse
The Official Charlie Jade Commentary Podcast
The Seeker Cast
The Seeker Cast
Join Jenn, Kurt and Kevin as we discuss the TV series Legend of the Seeker and the Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth book series.
Strangely Literal
Strangely Literal
Fanfic is a time honored tradition among the ardent enthusiasts who just can't stop telling stories about their favorite characters and universes. We here at Strangely Literal can't get enough of it either. Each podcast we bring you a story or stories from Buffy, Angel, Firefly or another Jossverse in an attempt to satisfy your need for more stories¦ this is Strangely Literal.
Jack Mangan's Deadpan » Shows
Jack Mangan's Deadpan » Shows
Home base for all things Jack Mangan and the Deadpan community.
Upside Down and Halfway to Happyland
Upside Down and Halfway to Happyland
UDaHtH puts various aspects of Buffy under the microscope, focusing on characters, specific episodes, some of the more eclectic topics and even listener tales about what them drew them to the Buffyverse.
Tales From The Verse
Tales From The Verse
There’s a million stories out there in the ‘Verse. Tales most don’t want told. By most, I mean the ‘Lliance. Time for y’all to make a stand. No more runnin’. Them folks out here need to know, and I conjure y’all are the ones to tell ‘em. Time’s come for folks to hear Tales From the ‘Verse.
The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas Podcast
The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas Podcast
The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas are here to bring you a new perspective on old school science fiction and fantasy.
Future Traditions - A Jericho Podcast
Future Traditions - A Jericho Podcast
A podcast about Jericho
GeekFit Podcast
GeekFit Podcast
Jason Tucker and Steve Klassen discuss fitness with geeks in mind..
Radio Yesterday
Radio Yesterday
The greatest collection of old time radio in podcast form.
Gmail Podcast
Gmail Podcast
A collection of short tips, tricks, and hints to help you get more from your Gmail account.
A podcast about all things Joss Whedon. Each episode will bring you news, reviews and features about the universe of Joss Whedon.
Talking Gossip After Dark - The MP3 Version
Talking Gossip After Dark - The MP3 Version
This is the MP3 version of Talking Gossip After Dark, a podcast about the CW's hit show Gossip Girl. The only difference with this feed from the other is you won't be able to see the screencaps we put in for each new Gossip Girl episode. Every week Angela, Missy and Dave will discuss the episode and any hot topics concerning the cast or the show. Listeners are encouraged to call in with commentary of their own to 206-350-5159 or just general thoughts about Gossip Girl and/or the podcast!
Variant Frequencies » Podcasts
Variant Frequencies » Podcasts
Welcome to Variant Frequencies. Month to month our podcast brings you fiction stories from a different channel - sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and some odd bands in-between.
Discussing the one thing that connects us all - Car Culture
A Different Point of View » Shows
A Different Point of View » Shows
The unfiltered opinions of an Imperial Sandtrooper
Angel Between The Lines
Angel Between The Lines
Angel Between the Lines is a fan-produced podcast that tells stories between the season of the TV show Angel.
Voices of Babylon
Voices of Babylon
Audio Drama from the Babylon 5 Universe
A.D.D. Cast
A.D.D. Cast
Adventures In The Attention Deficit Disorder Way Of Life
The Company: Heroes Podcast » Podcast
The Company: Heroes Podcast » Podcast
An Alternative NBC Heroes Podcast from four regular guys: Demi the Loudmouth, Socrates the Intellect, Engee the Comic, and Woo the Heroes Hater. Together we dissect the episodes from various viewpoints and sound off on what is to come. No Spoilers, All Speculation!
Xbox Live's: TheMan661's Xcast
Xbox Live's: TheMan661's Xcast
Frank Romano and Phil Meza of Xcast Online deliver you all the news going on around the Xbox 360 Community, bringing you news, interviews, guest hosts and much more...
Freshly Green
Freshly Green
For Your Ideas and Questions about Living Green
Geek Pantheon and Your Moment of Kim
Geek Pantheon and Your Moment of Kim
Broaden your Geek Horizons - don't enter your battle of wits unarmed. Join Kim the Comic Book Goddess and other members of the Geek Pantheon where Geek gods, goddesses and other netizens speak about topics that are a bit farther outside of the usual Geek Comfort zone. Join us for talk about everything from Alignment to Zombies, and all those things that you thought wouldn't fit in between. Includes Your Moment of Kim from, Presented by the SSDWC - the Secret Society for Delayed World Conquest. (Released under Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commerical, No Derivatives. Email GeekPantheon [at] gmail [dot] com for details.)
3 Chicks & a Mic
3 Chicks & a Mic
3 Chicks and a Mic is a discussion podcast dedicated to all things geeky-mostly that girls like.
Tales From The Verse
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There’s a million stories out there in the ‘Verse. Tales most don’t want told. By most, I mean the ‘Lliance.
Time for y’all to make a stand. No more runnin’. Them folks out here need to know, and I conjure y’all are the ones to tell ‘em.
Time’s come for folks to hear Tales From the ‘Verse.
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