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\ Blixen
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Fridays 7-8pm (live on
Jai and Ness dive into the world of the movers and shakers and are ready to toss it up...urban style! Hot City Buzz is only bringing you the hottest buzz in the lives of Toronto's elite and scandalous! Be in the know with the hottest news, gossip, trends and faux pas of Canada's upcoming dancers, models, artists and fashion! We cover events, promotions, whats in and whats not every Friday. Get your drink of the week, cuz we dranking! Whats da buzz with our Canadian celebs?....Stay tuned, better yet STAY TOUCHed! Check out
Hot City Buzz with Jai & Ness
Rome Review: English Tongues in the Eternal City. Join Charlie Q and company for discussions on life in Rome from inside the walls of the Eternal City.
Rome Review
The Hyp-Yoga Show entertains with Hypnosis and Yoga Education and News as well as free Yoga and Hypnosis Sessions.
Hyp-Yoga Show
Stand-by for the scoop . . . on arts and culture in Northern Arizona. Originally aired on KJZA, recorded in The Raven Cafe. Also on
Voice Casting teaches you how to find the best possible voice actor to meet all of your business needs, technical requirements and most importantly, to effectively communicate your objectives and embody your brand.
Voice Casting
Joss Kyle is a man on the run. Defecting from the U.S., he is hunted by a cardsharps, hit men, spies, criminals, and a high-court judge. Surviving by the quickness of his fingers on the turn of a card, he's made his way to the off-world colonies, unaware of the deadly battle that lies before him that may consume the solar system in its wake. He doesn't know this - he only knows that he's one step away from his long-sought freedom.
And he knows that in this contest, it’s not whether you win or lose. It’s how you rig the game.
The Antithesis Progression is a science fiction spy thriller series, produced as a full-cast audiobooks with original music and soundscaping. New episodes appear every second Wednesday. Harsh language, graphic violence, sexual themes and situations.
The Antithesis Progression
The Leviathan Chronicles is a sci-fi podcast that tracks Macallan Orsel, a young genetic scientist in present-day New York City who discovers that immortality is not a fool's fantasy, but rather a reality for a several factions of powerful immortals living among us. The Leviathan Chronicles is the ultimate science fiction and fantasy audio drama podcast.
The Leviathan Chronicles
Selvsving på P1
Selvsving på P1
"Selvsving på P1" er syv minutters komprimeret satire om alt det der er sket i ugens løb.
Foredrag: Birthe Rønn Hornbech
Foredrag: Birthe Rønn Hornbech
Hør Danmarkshistorien fra jødeforfølgelsen under besættelsen og ungdomsoprøret i 60’erme til terrortruslen efter 11. september set fra Birthe Rønn Hornbechs synspunkt.
Den selvlysende hund
Den selvlysende hund
Spøgelseshistorier på P3. Søndage kl. 23-01.
Mange sære ting for
Mange sære ting for
Med sin nye roman fortsætter Svend Åge Madsen sin undersøgelse af feltet mellem religion, videnskab og erkendelse: Den berømte astronom Adam d’Eden findes død, spiddet på Århus Domkirkes spir. Forud har han opdaget to såkaldte spejlplaneter, der reflekterer jordens lys, så man kan se hvad der er forgået i jordens fortid. Astronomen har således set og videooptaget Jesu liv, hvilket ikke passer helt til gen-givelsen i evangelierne. Dermed er der mange, der med tunge motiver vil gøre hvad som helst for at få fingrene i optagelserne... Og så går den vilde jagt.
Tre forfattere med forskellige temperament har dramatiseret udvalgte noveller af Karen Blixen. De tre er Anna Broe, Peter Weiss og Merete Pryds Helle.
Under en jagtudflugt bliver en mand slået ihjel, og al mistanke peger på landsbyens lokale præst, Thorm. Thorm tager sagen i egen hånd for at finde morderen. Han tager os med på en rejse blandt byens skæve eksistener. Det er en historie om sex, gyllekvoter og folkeminder. Drivjagt er Twin Peaks på dansk muldjord.
Vold og magt
Vold og magt
af Elsebeth Egholm Journalisten Dicte Svendsen er lige lovlig tæt på, da to bomber eksploderer i Århus: Den ene i et solcenter, den anden i en tom bil, tilhørende en kontroversiel politiker. I det smadrede solcenter, dukker liget af en ung handicappet kvinde op. Oplæsning: Puk Sharbau.
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Tre forfattere med forskellige temperament har dramatiseret udvalgte noveller af Karen Blixen. De tre er Anna Broe, Peter Weiss og Merete Pryds Helle.
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