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UN Podcast
\ Radio des Nations Unies
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In the EH PrepCast, we discuss key environmental health issues for preparedness--things like avian flu, chemical events, and hurricane response. Tune in every month as an Environmental Health expert and a key partner talk conversationally about pressing issues for our nation's health--and what's being done to solve them.
EH PrepCast
United Nations Audio Library presents UN Radio Classics, an online archive of documentary and dramatic programmes starring Audrey Hepburn, Kirk Douglas and Bing Crosby, among many others. These programmes, available free of charge with digitally remastered sound, offer a unique way of experiencing key historical moments of the United Nations and of the world throughout the second half of the 20th century.
UN Radio Classics in English
UN Podcast
PennFuture works to create a just future where nature, communities and the economy thrive. We enforce environmental laws and advocate for the transformation of public policy, public opinion and the marketplace to restore and protect the environment and safeguard public health. PennFuture advances effective solutions for the problems of pollution, sprawl and global warming; mobilizes citizens; crafts compelling communications; and provides excellent legal services and policy analysis. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, PennFuture is Pennsylvania's leading environmental organization.
What is PennFuture doing?
Working to increase clean renewable electricity to 10% of all supply;
Fighting factory farm pollution;
Helping to stop damage from mining;
Protecting watersheds from sprawl and pollution;
Reducing global warming pollution;
Watchdogging state government; and
Providing $2 million per year of free legal services to protect the environment.
PennFuture is already winning victories, and standing toe-to-toe with some mighty opponents.
Winning $32 million to support clean, renewable electricity in utility cases;
Building enough new windpower for 70,000 households and writing proposed legislation to require 10% of all electricity to be clean;
Convincing Governor Rendell to support a $1.4 billion environmental funding program;
Getting Governor Rendell to veto a bill to weaken regulation of factory farms.
Please browse our site for more information on this and all the other work that PennFuture is doing on behalf of Pennsylvania, its environment and its citizens.
JOIN PennFuture - Pennsylvania's leading and most effective environmental organization. By doing so, you will help enforce our laws and watchdog state government.
You WILL make a difference!
pennfuture's Podcast
Government Cover-Ups, Ancient Civilizations, Secret Societies, Alien Invasions, What if it is all true? Magic, conspiracy, mind control, ETs, strange science, weather wars, space wars, and the miraculous, Radio Freeman explores them all.
Radio Freeman
Latinos de Barcelona es un blog donde se habla de cultura, de ocio, de los problemas de la vida cotidiana, de salud y muchísimas cosas más. Podcast en idioma español.
Latinos de Barcelona
UN Radio covers the activities of the United Nations from its headquarters in New York and from around the world. Issues of peace and security, development and human rights are our concern, so stories on conflict resolution, elections, health, poverty, education and climate change are high on our list of topics to cover. This podcast is free of charge and provides you with a selection of material from our website.
United Nations Radio in English
UN Podcast
Радио ООН всесторонне освещает деятельность Организации Объединенных Наций – от событий, происходящих в ее штаб-квартире в Нью-Йорке, до работы Организации в самых отдаленных уголках земного шара. Мы рассказываем о проблемах мира и безопасности, вкладе ООН в содействие развитию и борьбу за права человека. Вы услышите голоса тех, кто борется за ликвидацию нищеты, стремится урегулировать конфликты и сохранить природу нашей планеты. Подкаст передач Радио ООН предоставляется бесплатно.
Радио ООН
UN Podcast
Radio ONU
Radio ONU
La Radio de la ONU cubre las actividades de las Naciones Unidas en todo el mundo desde su sede en Nueva York. Trata temas como la paz y la seguridad, el desarrollo y los derechos humanos. En su agenda tienen prioridad cuestiones como la resolución de conflictos, elecciones, salud, pobreza, educación y cambio climático. Este podcast es gratuito y le ofrece una selección de material de nuestra página web.
Радио ООН
Радио ООН
Радио ООН всесторонне освещает деятельность Организации Объединенных Наций – от событий, происходящих в ее штаб-квартире в Нью-Йорке, до работы Организации в самых отдаленных уголках земного шара. Мы рассказываем о проблемах мира и безопасности, вкладе ООН в содействие развитию и борьбу за права человека. Вы услышите голоса тех, кто борется за ликвидацию нищеты, стремится урегулировать конфликты и сохранить природу нашей планеты. Подкаст передач Радио ООН предоставляется бесплатно.
United Nations Radio in English
United Nations Radio in English
UN Radio covers the activities of the United Nations from its headquarters in New York and from around the world. Issues of peace and security, development and human rights are our concern, so stories on conflict resolution, elections, health, poverty, education and climate change are high on our list of topics to cover. This podcast is free of charge and provides you with a selection of material from our website.
Radio des Nations Unies en français
Radio des Nations Unies en français
La Radio des Nations Unies couvre les activités de l'ONU au siège de l'Organisation à New York et partout ailleurs dans le monde. Paix et sécurité, développement et droits de l'hommes sont les questions qui nous préoccupent; les reportages sur la résolution de conflits, les élections, la santé, la pauverté, l'éducation et les changements climatiques figurent donc parmi nos priorités. Le podcast est gratuit et vous donne accès à une sélection des programmes disponibles sur notre site internet.
إذاعة الأمم المتحدة
إذاعة الأمم المتحدة
تغطي إذاعة الأمم المتحدة أنشطة الأمم المتحدة في المقر الدائم بنيويورك وحول العالم. إن قضايا السلم والأمن والتنمية وحقوق الإنسان تدخل في صلب اهتماماتنا، لذلك تعتبر القصص المتعلقة بحل الأزمات والانتخابات والصحة والفقر والتعليم والتغير المناخي من الأولويات التي نغطيها.
Rádio ONU
Rádio ONU
Rádio das Nações Unidas |
Idhaa ya Redio ya UM
Idhaa ya Redio ya UM
UN Radio covers the activities of the United Nations from its headquarters in New York and from around the world. Issues of peace and security, development and human rights are our concern, so stories on conflict resolution, elections, health, poverty, education and climate change are high on our list of topics to cover. This podcast is free of charge and provides you with a selection of material from our website.
United Nations Radio
United Nations Radio
United Nations Radio |
Radio des Nations Unies
Radio des Nations Unies
Radio des Nations Unies |
إذاعة الأمم المتحدة
إذاعة الأمم المتحدة
إذاعة الأمم المتحدة |
Радио ООН
Радио ООН
Радио ООН |
Radio de las Naciones Unidas
Radio de las Naciones Unidas
Radio de las Naciones Unidas |
Rádio das Nações Unidas
Rádio das Nações Unidas
Rádio das Nações Unidas |
UN Radio Classics in English
UN Radio Classics in English
United Nations Audio Library presents UN Radio Classics, an online archive of documentary and dramatic programmes starring Audrey Hepburn, Kirk Douglas and Bing Crosby, among many others. These programmes, available free of charge with digitally remastered sound, offer a unique way of experiencing key historical moments of the United Nations and of the world throughout the second half of the 20th century.
Radio des Nations Unies
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Radio des Nations Unies |
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