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Health & Fitness
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Cooking with Jason
Take control of your health, your weight and your life with advice from fitness expert Bob Greene, Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Christiane Northrup.'s Health and Wellness Channel
Oprah Winfrey
Are you a busy person who just never got around to learning the basics of cooking? We built just for you. You'll learn how to make quick and tasty meals, plus learn the basic cooking skills you'll need. Get ready to start cooking!
Start Cooking HD (720p for AppleTV)
International Mindfitness Foundation (IMF) is devoted to the unfoldment of a New Mind in humanity. A mind that is free and relatively unconditioned--one that listens to the whisperings of nature as the source and inspiration required to develop a sane, scientific, technological and social evolution.
Infinite Potentials Video Podcasts
Do G-spots really exist? Does TV rot kids' brains? And why is it that you can count calories until the cows come home and not lose a pound, but your husband stops drinking juice and drops 25? Get the answer to these (and tons more) wacky health questions by watching our original online series. First we ask the man and woman on the street what they think, and then we ask our own Dr. Ross Donaldson, a UCLA medical professor specializing in emergency medicine and international health, for his opinion -- yeah, we'll take that one. Can you separate health fact from health fiction? Find out now.
Street Doctors
Das 'fit & gesund' Studiogespräch: jede Woche beantwortet ein Experte wichtige Fragen rund um die Gesundheit. Die Themen: Alternativ- oder Schulmedizin, Fitness, Ernährung oder Schönheit. Noch mehr sehen Sie bei 'fit & gesund', wöchentlich auf DW-TV.
fit & gesund | Video Podcast | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
This podcast provides peak performance training tips, techniques, and exercises you can use to improve your life! The training is all designed so you can implement it into your cardio routine at the gym.
Unlimited Greatness Presents...Maximum Personal Development
Balanced Body's Podcast : Enthusiasts
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These podcasts are for anyone looking for a fun and challenging method of exercise and a healthy way to improve their everyday lives...
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Favorite in Health & Fitness
Contemporary oral surgery and dental implant principles to raise global awareness, increase knowledge, understand treatment options, and help people make better decisions regarding their oral health.
Dr. Kazemi: Dental Implants & Oral Surgery Current
News and videos from St. Luke's Health Initiatives. For more information, visit
Arizona Health Cast
Getting fit and healthy may seem like something that was possible when you were younger. Not true! If you read my story you know how it’s possible to make changes at any age.
These podcasts cover topics that helped me succeed with P90, P90X, Chalean Extreme, Insanity and more. These shows include poking fun at fitness, talking about eating and diet, chatting with special guests, learning about other Beachbody programs and discussing things regarding overall health and well-being!
Enjoy these video podcasts.
Perry Tinsley
Independent Beachbody Coach
Feed Me Bubbe as seen in the Wall Street Journal May 10th 2007 and ABC World News with Charles Gibson on 8/8/07 among other press. Bubbe is Yiddish for grandmother and this Bubbe is ready to show you the secret to her good cooking. Feed me Bubbe takes feeding grandchildren to a new level. What makes this different from the other feed is that the fans have spoken saying we need a version that works on your ipods and iphones and we have answered. If you are looking for a .mov version use the other version.
Feed Me Bubbe (IPOD ONLY)
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