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All the Way LIVE: Free Yoga Podcast with Faith Hunter
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Jusqu'ici, seuls les privilégiés et ceux qui l'écoutent sur les radios locales avaient l'occasion d'entendre son accent du Sud-Ouest qui a le pouvoir de nous mettre immédiatement de bonne humeur. Sur ce podcast, le druide se déchaîne.
Interrogé par l'animatrice Geneviève Bonnard, il parle des vertus de la Gelée Royale, des bains de mains et des bains de pieds, du bigaradier pour lequel le phytothérapeute a un petit faible. En résumé, et durant un peu plus de trente minutes, de la fatigue sous toutes ses formes. En prime, il nous indique encore les bonnes pistes pour résoudre nos problèmes de fatigue. Le tout sur une musique originale de Michel Pépé, un autre ténor du bien-être. Ce Podcast est extrait du CD Le Jardin de Jacky Défatiguez-moi disponible à la vente dans notre boutique.
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Spiritually hip, fun, inspirational, unpredictable and All the Way LIVE! That is a yoga class with Louisiana born, DC-based yoga teacher Faith Hunter. Her vinyasa/flow yoga classes range from beginner to advanced with each providing just enough yoga sweetness for all. Teaching includes: pranayama (breathing), asana (postures), meditation and spiritually hip philosophy which enables you to connect to your true Divine Self. The LIVE yoga experience gives you a juicy taste of Faith and the students at Shakti MindBody Studio (the Bohemian chic yoga urban hang suite). Depending on the vibe and what students are craving that day, you will forever be surprised and filled with Divine joy and bliss. Class times: 1hr, 75min or 90 min. So roll out your mat and step into the Passion. If you are in the DC area visit Faith at Shakti or she can come to you for a private session or workshop at your local studio.
All the Way LIVE: Free Yoga Podcast with Faith Hunter
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episode #58: happy independence day Jamaica (all levels) 75mins.
All the Way LIVE: Free Yoga Podcast with Faith Hunter
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Spiritually hip, fun, inspirational, unpredictable and All the Way LIVE! That is a yoga class with Louisiana born, DC-based yoga teacher Faith Hunter. Her vinyasa/flow yoga classes range from beginner to advanced with each providing just enough yoga sweetness for all. Teaching includes: pranayama (breathing), asana (postures), meditation and spiritually hip philosophy which enables you to connect to your true Divine Self. The LIVE yoga experience gives you a juicy
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taste of Faith and the students at Shakti MindBody Studio (the Bohemian chic yoga urban hang suite). Depending on the vibe and what students are craving that day, you will forever be surprised and filled with Divine joy and bliss. Class times: 1hr, 75min or 90 min. So roll out your mat and step into the Passion. If you are in the DC area visit Faith at Shakti or she can come to you for a private session or workshop at your local studio.
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My class was inspired by Jamaican Independence Day (Marley Monday, Aug. 6, 2012). 50 years of independence is a GREAT reason to celebrate and express gratitude for the blessing around us. This class is playful, filled with lots of laughter, amazing music, and a yummy flow that soothes the soul. ENJOY!!!
episode #58: happy independence day Jamaica (all levels) 75mins.
Each day we experience miracles, and sometimes we forget how blessed we are to be a witness to these divine blessings! Today is the perfect time to stop, witness the miracles, and be thankful for the many blessings and people that transform our lives. I am honored that I had the opportunity to share the […]
episode #57: happy thanksgiving – to haiti with LOVE (all levels)
This episode was recorded at Vibe Yoga Studio located in Bloomington, Indiana. I was there for a weekend as an instructor during their yoga teacher training program, and I also taught a Sunday morning mindful flow class which focused on embracing your breath. I ended the class with a short meditation practice. It was a […]
epsiode #56: embrace your breath (90mins, mindful flow, all levels)
This recording was made during my Mindful Flow class at my new studio, Embrace. The Mindful Flow experience is about being fully in the moment, connecting with full intention, and truly allowing the breath to be your guide. In this post, the theme is uncovering the “inner you.” The inner you can be described as […]
episode #55 – inner you (all levels, 75mins)
This post is my first recording from my new yoga studio Embrace with Faith Hunter Yoga. Drew and I opened Embrace on May 1, 2011, and we feel extremely blessed to offer the DC community a space where you can come and just be YOU! Come hang with me during my Spiritually Fly Sunday morning […]
episode #54: peaceful warrior (90mins, level 2)
I recorded this class last night during my tuesday night vinyasa flow at STROGA in Adams Morgan. It is a playful class where I encourage you to witness and experience the sensations in the body, and find joy in the heart. There are moments where you may feel challenged, but remember child’s pose is always […]
episode# 53: feeling (all levels) – 63mins
happy LOVERS DAY! today I offer a beautiful all levels/easy flowing class dedicated to the devotional love of Mirabai. Mirabai was passionately in love and devoted to Krishna. as an act of her devotion, Mirabai wrote beautiful love songs and poems to express her divine commitment. her devotion began at a very early age when […]
episode #52: what are you in love with? (all levels) – 90mins.
this is a heart opening and flowing class that requires an understanding of basic and some intermediate asanas (postures). if you are unsure of a particular posture please post a comment and I will provide a photo or video to explain. let your heart shine and flow with ease!
episode #51: let it shine (level 2/open) – 90mins
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