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Videocast: art, architecture and design from Basel/Switzerland by Heinrich Schmidt gallery
Heinrich Schmidt * Video
"The Leonardo da Vinci of data." THE NEW YORK TIMES
"One visionary day....the insights of this class lead to new
levels of understanding both for creators and
viewers of visual displays." WIRED
Edward Tufte has written seven books, including Visual Explanations, Envisioning Information, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, and Data Analysis for Politics and Policy. He writes, designs, and self-publishes his books on analytical design, which have received more than 40 awards for content and design. He is Professor Emeritus at Yale University, where he taught courses in statistical evidence, information design, and interface design. This podcast contains his recent works in analytical design and landscape sculpture.
Edward Tufte: Art and Science
A pod cast containing videos and other media content which has recently been posted at
Nostalgia Updates is a website featuring in-depth tutorials and articles dealing with illustration. This podcast features videos that have been posted on the site and shows complete illustrations being painted from start to finish. The artwork and content on is the product of children's illustrator Dani Jones. See more of her work at
Dani Jones Illustration » Videos
Podcasts about Illinois' fascinating buildings and public spaces.
WTTW Arts - Architecture | Video Podcast
CRAFT: Dedicated to the renaissance that is occurring within the world of crafts. Celebrating the DIY spirit, CRAFT's goal is to unite, inspire, inform and entertain a growing community of highly imaginative and resourceful people who are transforming traditional art and crafts with unconventional, unexpected and even renegade techniques, materials and tools; people who undertake amazing crafting projects in their homes and communities.
O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Loomm irá tejiendo una red de imágenes y relatos contados por sus protagonistas. Aquellos que con originalidad, creatividad y sentido estético, forman la trama de la cultura actual.
Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster that produces television, radio and online content in 30 languages. It provides a European perspective to its global audience and promotes intercultural dialogue.
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Press TV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.
Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding Iranian and foreign media professionals.
Press TV is extensively networked with bureaus located in the world's most strategic cities.
Europe's second-largest TV, radio, and production company
Lesen Sie hier die interessantesten Playboy-Reportagen, die aktuellsten Hightech-Trends und sehen Sie die schönsten Playmates und prominenten Frauen.
Playboy Deutschland
Playboy - alles was Männern Spaß macht. Von Playmates bis High Tech.
euromaxx Highlights | Video Podcast | Deutsche Welle
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"euromaxx" ist das tägliche Magazin auf DW-TV. Hier finden Sie jede Woche die Highlights der Sendung zum Thema Leben und Kultur in Europa. Starke Bilder - interessanten Geschichten - Europa in all seiner Vielfalt und Faszination! ...testing
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Featured in Fashion & Beauty
"euromaxx" ist das tägliche Magazin auf DW-TV. Hier finden Sie jede Woche die Highlights der Sendung zum Thema Leben und Kultur in Europa. Starke Bilder - interessanten Geschichten - Europa in all seiner Vielfalt und Faszination!
euromaxx Highlights | Video Podcast | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Das 'fit & gesund' Studiogespräch: jede Woche beantwortet ein Experte wichtige Fragen rund um die Gesundheit. Die Themen: Alternativ- oder Schulmedizin, Fitness, Ernährung oder Schönheit. Noch mehr sehen Sie bei 'fit & gesund', wöchentlich auf DW-TV.
fit & gesund | Video Podcast | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Der PODcast zum Online Magazin Alle 4 Monate neu!
w-id a'n'c podcast
"euromaxx" ist das tägliche Magazin auf DW-TV. Hier finden Sie jede Woche die Highlights der Sendung zum Thema Leben und Kultur in Europa. Starke Bilder - interessanten Geschichten - Europa in all seiner Vielfalt und Faszination!
euromaxx Highlights | Video Podcast | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Das 'fit & gesund' Studiogespräch: jede Woche beantwortet ein Experte wichtige Fragen rund um die Gesundheit. Die Themen: Alternativ- oder Schulmedizin, Fitness, Ernährung oder Schönheit. Noch mehr sehen Sie bei 'fit & gesund', wöchentlich auf DW-TV.
fit & gesund | Video Podcast | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Der PODcast zum Online Magazin Alle 4 Monate neu!
w-id a'n'c podcast
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